Resident of FL

Here we go around in circles.. I would rather go forward instead of doing this. 

But here it is for the relaxation that I would concider this.  
           I have to be a Florida resident again to file contested divorce from K. 
So here I am wondering how I can preform this feat without being a total nut.  One tran of thought is for a post office box in FL that I check on occasion.  That would work, another option is to ask one of my friends in FL to let me use their address and send myself letters.  Basically what it would say to the courts that I moved to GA as part of a trial seperation (which in the beginning it was sopposed to be) so that K could get a job and secure us a place, without starving.  Well that never happened.  So, here I am stuck with that idea.

The other idea is to go ahead in Sept and file uncontested, turning around and suing K for damages and the bills he left unpaid and had no intention of paying.    But small claims court could state that that should have been handled with the divorce. 

I think the legal wranglings are enough to make me run mad.  I am still felling like crap because of the infection and then more or less like a cad since I can not seem to get things worked out in friendly terms with some people.  I dont want to be a complete and utter bitch, but it may end up that way no matter what I do.

Why could not that man just file and get this over with.  I dont want to talk to him, period.  Looks like I may have to.  If in the courtroom at least the baliff could tell him to stop or whatever.  I could of course ask one of my FL friends to come with me, but that would be intruding on their lives so … you get the point.

Depressed out of my skull, 1/2 because of my illness, the other 1/2 because I am having to re-visit this issue more and more. 


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July 28, 2005

Naturally when it rains, it pours. Sometimes it’s better to have that person out of your life and deal with the bills rather than keep them in your life that much longer for a bit of money. But I’m sure you’ll find a path that suits you. 😉