How are you, all my love ones?

Dear diary

Didn’t write here for a long time.
Today, I just like to write an entry, asking everyone,
To all my love ones…how are you?
Are you happy now?
Are you blissful now?
To all my most beloved ones,
I love you…
I miss you…

This christmas feels especially lonely
because I have lost all of you
those whom I really treasured the most once.
No more Dong Bang Shin Ki…
No more adnileb…
No more RIP
No more naiviV…
in my life.
I can never bring myself to think about you again.
I can never bring myself to meet you again.
Our encounter is destined to be just a cross path,
I know very well I can never have a place in your heart.
No matter how much I love you.
You don’t know,
you just don’t realize how much I love you.
Our fate is meant to be like this.
How much I want to hold you back,
but I can’t
because I don’t have the right to.

I think I have grown to let you all leave my side, my world, my life, my heart.
I think I am returning back to myself.
The quiet, cold and dark world.

But I promise I will become stronger.


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