Entry 404: Look back on 2013

A few things that happened during the year of 2013:

I ended up paying for over $2000 in repairs for my car. The transmission needed repairs and later, problems with the antifreeze were going on. It was a huge pain in the ass and even with all the repairs, my car still feels like it’s gonna explode any second.

My friendships and connections with people that I liked a lot faded into nothing. One girl that I felt close with hasn’t spoken to me in months and don’t see that changing. Dated a girl locally for a while, till she moved further away and we broke up due to having completely different interests. We never see each other now. Became friends with someone local and we got along perfect…. then she moved to Seattle.

Failed my first college class, Accounting, a class that has jack shit to deal with my degree program. Since then, I’ve felt even less care about college.

Birthday and Christmas were a joke. May as well have just said for people to forget about it and me cause it’s not worth the small effort and hassle I must be.


That all sucked. A lot.

Good stuff that happened?

I got a Playstation 4. That is pretty cool. There’s not much to play yet, but I like knowing I already have it.

Bestie got me my Rikku toy that my ex had destroyed. It’s an extremely rare, out of print figure that can cost $200+. She needs her own display case so bad. She also got me another figure for a character I really like. In fact, I got a lot of toys for the games I really like. Some I bought, the others were from her or secret santa gift.

I saw a few concerts, although one was ruined by being harassed by a group of girls that I should have decked in the face.

Made some new friends on FB. Some are within state…. naturally, they have to live too far away.

It’s sad where I can’t even think of other good things that have happened this year.




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