
things are a bit tense around here. nick’s doctoral interview for the graduate center’s composition program was saturday. he knew the odds going in: twelve people competing for two fully funded spots. four of the six people on the admissions committee are on the composition/computer music faculty at brooklyn college, and therefore know him quite well. as we were out of town (something i’ll get to below) his interview took place by phone, which was partially an advantage (he prepared responses for the questions he could anticipate, and was able to do his nervous pacing as he talked, which helped) and a bit of a disadvantage (he couldn’t see the committee in person and pick up their visual cues on things like at what point his response was long enough). however, he thought the interview went really well. thought this until sunday morning, when he received a well-intended and unhelpfully vague email from his boss and newfound mentor, the director of the computer music center at brooklyn college (who was on the admissions committe). the decisions have been made, and we will know in a day or two if nick will remain in the cuny system for another several years, or have to figure something else out.

our friend whitney also scored a composition interview, as did a mysterious third person somehow affiliated with brooklyn college. for days whit, nick and i have been trying to figure out who it might be. after consulting her network, whitney figured it out and called us yesterday.

it’s the choir director at BC. apparently he only has a master’s degree, but is pretty well established in the composition world–has published several pieces with Hal Leonard, runs a professional choir, the works. and this knowledge has turned this entire admissions procedure upside down.

until yesterday, you see, nick was quite sure he’d get one of the spots. not only is he a good composer and talented computer programmer, he’s also a legitimate (and earnest) scholar. academic work comprises a huge portion of the D.M.A. program at the graduate center, even for performance and composition students. both sets of students have to write dissertations, and i can’t begin to tell you how much nick deserves a spot.

but choir director is at least as well liked, and if the admissions committee only picks one person from brooklyn college, it could very well be him. and, since his position at a cuny school means his tuition would be waived upon acceptance, of COURSE the choir director will go to the graduate center if he gets the chance.

i spent the entire train ride yesterday worrying my socks off about the outcome of the interview. things are extremely tense around here. nick and i are trying to prepare ourselves for the worst. a sign of nick’s improving sense of well-being: he’s determined to keep applying until he gets accepted. and nick taking (yet another) year of from school wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. he kind of likes the idea of returning to verizon for a bit and making a salary and being able to actually buy nice clothes from brooks brothers and good liquor without worrying about being able to pay his bills.

still. nick’s future is not at verizon, and even with a vastly improved support network, working that kind of job will take its toll. nick’s future is at brooklyn college and the graduate center, and everyone involved is terribly eager for him to get there.

nick and i attended the NELA kink convention in Providence, RI over the weekend. we had a fantastic time, in spite of the interview/admissions stress. this was my first true vacation ever, and we had as much fun bumming around downtown and eating ridiculously unhealthy food (my burger on saturday came with gorgonzola tater tots) as we did browsing sex toys and fetish gear and attending kink seminars. plus the train ride both ways was a piece of cake. we found seats together both ways and enjoyed watching season 1 of flight of the conchords. i’ll admit the show is an acquired taste, and may not make much sense at all (it doesn’t make much sense anyway, to be honest) if you’re not familiar with new york.

and … that’s about it. keep your fingers crossed for nick, if you have a few fingers and seconds to spare for that sort of thing.

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February 15, 2010

I think you have a good attitiude towards this situation. Nick I’m sure, is still young. So being forced to take a year off won’t be a bad thing.