need a book

I can barely keep my eyes open right now. i feel like my body is sinking in quick sand and i lost all the energy to fight. Honestly I dont even know how I am typing right now. I’m drained. Insomnia wooped my ass again lastnight. I just cant fall asleep. I cleared my mind and thought of happy things, but still nothing. I mean I AM SO FUCKING SLEEPY. Ive only been at work for like 2 hours. I dont know how i am going to make it. Maybe I should go buy an energy drink. I dont know if they work but I have to try something. yeah I’ll do that,

Me and Zacha re good again. He told me he loved me. I was shocked and surprised, and very happy i must say. We had this conversation yesterday morning and i was flying high the whole day. I could use some of the cloud juice right now. More on that later.

I gotta wake up.


Finished all the Twilight books. Any suggestions on what i should read next?

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March 26, 2009

I would recommend The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky or Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.

March 26, 2009

I second anything written by Haruki Murakami! Or maybe Tales from the Earthsea by Urusla Leguin.

March 26, 2009

RYN – you are right about MB and after I wrote my entry yesterday, I thought about it and set him straight last night. Its all good. He gets where I’m coming from now. CONGRATS on the love thing. :o) I love that feeling.

March 26, 2009

ryn: Lol. Wow, I’ve never heard it put like that before “carefree interesting life”. Makes it sound more fun and interesting than it actually is. lol. But I’m not even normally the casual dating type. I’ve always wanted serious one on one relationships but I have yet to find one. It sucks.

March 26, 2009

HAHAHA i knew he would. I just ask rather than take. If its for Eviee and something she needs then he has no problem helping out. I got her 3 packs of onsies. this little girl grows so freakin fast!

March 27, 2009

I haven’t read the twilight books yet. Been thinking bout it but got caught up with different ones. If you like fantasy you should read pern books by anne mccaffrey.