for now

So i am trying to get back into the habit of writing even tho i might not have much to say.

Me and Gena are looking for a new roommmate. Our old roommate decided to post that she was moving on her facebook page b4 letting us know. that kinda pissed us off cause i hate going through the process of finding another roommate. u cant just trust anyone to come up in your house. So we put an add on craiglsist and got some responses. 10 people were supposed to show up between the hours of 12:45 and 5:00 on Sunday but only 3 showed. 2 guys and a girl. The chick was first and it seemed like she wasnt really into it, or us, who knows. The sceond guy said he was looking for a bigger bedroom and the 3rd guy (a boxing coach) brought his co-worker/brother. Thats how he said it. He seems alright i guess. He wanted to fill out an application so I asked him to have a seat and asked his brother as well, but he declined. I dont know it was kinda weird. Gena asked him if he was good at killing bugs if one happened to show up and the brother raised his hand and said im good at it. That kinda rubbed me the wrong way cause its not like he is going to be living here. I mean overall it was kool but it just doesnt sit right with me to live with a guy I dont know ya know. He wasnt too talkative. he spoke when I spoke to him, but never really wanted to know about us. He is a little guy and his brother was big. For a moment I thought maybe they were casing the joint to see what they could steal at a later day. I know I am talking crazy but thats how my mind works.

Pretty much it was just him who was interested and I dont know. I was tellin Zach about it and he got all weird. jealous. or protective. whatever. I mean I see where he is coming from "what if something happens to u when he is there? he could do anything to you. he is a boxer." he says. I guess I should be grateful that he cares so much even if there is an undertone of jealousy.

So Ive been trying not to call or text him as much. Trying not to make urself to avaliable all the relationship ppl say. And its actually been working. It gives him time to actually miss me and vise versa. And so he calls after church yesterday to say just that. he misses me and whats to see me. So he is plannin on visiting at the end of next month. I am not going to get my hopes up until he actually books a ticket. But of course Ive already looked at dates and things we could do. I found a hotel l’d like us to stay in for a night for extra privacy. I mean who knows what will or could happen. Im just glad that after all this time he is still sticking around for whatever reason. Im not sure why he likes me but he does and I wont question him about it. too much. LOL.

Ok so lets just put it out there, I am excited that he is coming. I cant wait, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach excited. Its been some months since Ive seen him but the feeling still clings to me like a lollipop stuck to a rug. I’ll be counting down the days and hoping hes just as excited as me.

He’s unofficially my boo- and thats just fine for now

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February 23, 2009

ryn: thanks for the commiseration 🙂 ~