up in the air

Last night he filled my void with words i needed to hear. with words that had been circulating in my mind for a couple of months. i trust him with those thoughts because they are meant for him, and without me even having to ask him (where would i even begin) he said it, kinda offered, and wanted me to repeat it as well. he himself wanted to hear the exact same words i needed to hear from him, out of my mouth why? does it mean something? was he speaking truthfully?

i was elated today sitting on cloud nine but yet a bit edgy as well. how do i approach this situation? i know he wont mention it so that leaves me to bring it up again. part of me wants to know the truth right this moment. but the other part of me is afraid to hear the negative, taking me away from this glowing feeling buried deep within my heart trying to find the way out. its like that calmness u feel just sitting there unmoving and just breathing, but when someone asks or tells u to be still u just have to move.

for now i am just trying to wrap myself in the comfort i feel about this whole thing, because even if it doesnt go the way i want it to at least i can still hold on to this moment where i have felt more secure than ever in life. and when i do go out in this cold harsh bitter world i can call on that glow to bring me back to a happy place. whoever thought it was okay to play with my emotions has a hell of a sense of humor. i love it today but next week will i feel the same way?

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