Top 20 Songs

Good morning everyone. Hope you slept well.

So, I’m bored. I thought I’d make a list of my favorite songs. I know that a list like this is completely pointless, as there’s thousands of songs that I love. But whatever. Here you go. By the way, if you get bored by descriptions of things, just don’t read this crap. I’m bored, remember.

20. Stone Temple Pilots – Still Remains. Lots of people forgot about the album with this song on it… But shouldn’t, I don’t think. This is a great song with very interesting lyrics. “If you should die before me, ask if you can bring a friend.”

19. VAST – Pretty When You Cry. Listen. Good song. “If you knew how much I love you, you would run away. But when I treat you bad it always makes you want to stay.”

18. Savage Garden – Gunning Down Romance. We all have songs that we identify with. This was one of them for a good percentage of my life. “Cleverly concealing primal urges, often felt but rarely seen.”

17. Tonic – Soldier’s Daughter. Some great melody lines. Very singable. Very listenable as well. Just plain gorgeous (get used to this word). “Hey little girl, keep dancing.”

16. Mad at Gravity – Burn. I love the imagery in this song. Plus, it’s just plain addicting. Great guitar layering and lyrics. “Let the flames rise higher. As they reach the ceiling, at your feet I’m kneeling.”

15. Better Than Ezra – Beautiful Mistake. The instrumentation in this song is brilliant. Some simple things elaborated into something that… just sounds… brilliant. “And your photo stills in your wallet with your unpaid bills.”

14. Yoko Kanno – No Reply. (From Cowboy Bebop). Yoko Kanno is probably one of the most talented composers that I’ve heard. She can write anything. She may not have written the lyrics to this one, but they’re great. Along with the music. Good, good stuff. (I know I’m a nerd). “If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the pain you feel, I would.”

13. Peter Gabriel – My Head Sounds Like That. Simply put, the lyrics to this song are probably my favorite. If not, very close to my favorite. I recommend reading the lyrics at least. “The metal jangles as the key turns. Unlock the door, wipe my feet clean. Oh, my head sounds like that.”

12. Pain of Salvation – Rope Ends. Likewise, the lyrics to this song are fantastic. Some of the best metaphors I’ve ever heard. I wish I could write like that. “Eeyore is strong, and never lets her fall.”

11. Tool – Pushit. This song gives me goosebumps every time I hear it (I know, I’m a nerd). Some of my favorite singing in this song. Very impressive. “Remember I’ll always love you as I tear your fucking throat away.”

10. Bjork – Joga. Wow. “Emotional landscapes. They puzzle me.”

9. The Nixons – Passion. The name of this song matches the song itself. Very simple song in some ways, but some passionate. Gorgeous. “He doesn’t see her anymore and yet she stands in front of him.”

8. Toad the Wet Sprocket – Pray Your Gods. I like pretty songs. What can I say? Great lyrics, great instrumentation. Plus, the choral thing at the end. Brilliant. “Is it that they fear the pain of death, or could it be they fear the joy of life?”

7. Failure – The Nurse Who Loved Me. Again, the metaphors in the lyrics are so awesome it shames me. I still wonder what this song is about. But that’s another good thing about it. Pretty unique song all around. “Say hello to the rug’s topography.”

6. Silverchair – Emotion Sickness. I still remember this song surprising the hell out of me when I first heard it. Silverchair doing something like that? Still, it’s one of my favorite mixes of hard rock and orchestra. “Orchestral tear cash-flow.”

5. Switchfoot – Dare You To Move. I sitll remember hearing this (well, the original one) for the first time when Michael sent it to me. It didn’t strike me as being great. Boy was I wrote. I think it’d be very hard to argue against the power of this song. Vocals, lyrics, everything. “I dare you to lift yourself up off the ground.”

4. Yoko Kanno – Dijurido. (From Cowboy Bebop). Now, I know this song is only 2 minutes long. And I know the “lyrics” are gibberish. But there’s something about this little tiny song that just won’t let go. I don’t know what it is. I can’t get enough of it.

3. Jump, Little Children – Cathedrals. If you haven’t heard it, ask me to send it to you. There’s only a few other songs in the world that have this much passion in them and sound this good. “In the cathedrals of New York and Rome, there is a feeling that you should just go home and spend a lifetime finding out just where that is.”

2. Don’t Be Weary, Traveler. Now, I don’t know who wrote this, because I’m forgetful. It might be a old traditional spiritual anyway. I sang this in the honor’s choir I was in 4 years ago. It will probably always remain my favorite choral piece. Very thick harmonies, haunting melodies (I know those are cliche terms, but they’re true about this song).

1. Peter Gabriel – Darkness. Probably one of the most unique songs, in my opinion, ever. The lyrics are beautifully honest and moving. The music itself is unsettling and gorgeous at the same time. Take a listen. “And the monster I was so afraid of lies curled up on the floor. He’s curled up on the floor just like a baby boy.”

So anyway, there’s my long list. If you read this far, good for you. I hope you’ve heard these songs.

Have a good day.

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February 12, 2004

Awesome list, Eric. Aly

February 12, 2004

Awesome…those are also my fav. songs by Pain of Salvation, Silverchair, and Jump Little Children…..(all cds you copied for me as well) ha. ciaoooo! ;o)~

February 12, 2004

14! 14! 14!!! Some of the other ones surprised me a bit…I should pick MY favorites off the CDs you made me… RYN: I LOVE YOU!!! YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER!!! …but i think now you’re going to make me leave that on your voice mail…hmmm :p *BIG KISS!*

February 12, 2004

i absolutely love cowboy bebop and most of its music. …and hey, you shouldn’t let my being the devil stop you from saying hi! 🙂

I love Switchfoot. “Dare You To Move” is an amazing song. I also am a big fan of Failure, thanks to you and Michael. 🙂 I miss you guys.

February 16, 2004

i miss you.

February 16, 2004

Number 8…one of the best songs I have ever heard in my entire life. It’s amazing.

February 20, 2004

beer and a mop! HA! (i’ve heard that before, but its just so funny!)

February 23, 2004

RYN: Yeah, the reason would be that she`s a childish bitch. Sorry, thats the bitter “screw her” attitude of mine. You know there is a big part of me that misses the fun we had. I should just leave it lay. Things won`t change. and RYN again: No, there ISN`T a smiley big enough for that. ;D miss you!

February 23, 2004

Why do i feel like bitching about this?! Gah! Let it go! Apparently she has! But then again, how would i know? i havn’t HEARD from her! …i’ll be quiet now. Sorry ’bout that.

February 25, 2004

RYN: THE WORLD IS YOUR URINAL! why is that entry negative?! 😛

March 23, 2004

you’ll have to send me jump little children’s “cathedral” i have two of their songs, but neither is that one. you have quite an awesome list there, young man. i know most of them… but not all, of course. you’ll have to enlighten me sometime. 🙂 K*

I really like your numbers 4 and 5. Silverchair rules

k, sorry I meant 5 and 6