Just so you know…

I haven’t really been writing many stories lately. I’ve been focusing on writing… Other things… Mostly lyrics, but a few other things as well. There will be a few more stories in the near future, though.

Regardless, I think that you should all go to my website and sign up for the forums. It’s fun, if only to make stupid comments to me and Jeramey. But then again, commenting on my stories would be cool, too.

Just thought I’d keep everyone informed… In case you still read this. 🙂

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October 8, 2003

And hey, here i was, all excited that there was a new story! You jerk! And yes, the forum is fun. 🙂 ps. *laughs butt off* ;D

October 14, 2003

RYN: You mean she didnt tell you or show you the pictures?

October 15, 2003

RYN: I was thinking you could video tape.

October 18, 2003

You really do need to write a new story so i have some where else to leave a note 😛 And when your girl gets back from……Brazil?….have the camera ready.

October 18, 2003

Hi Eric, I havn’t heard from you in a while… what’s new? give me a call sometime. PS do you know of any good piano instructor in the area?? Janesville, Mdsn, Rockford etc?

October 19, 2003

Well, that was a little disturbing… And are you sure you only want to take pics or tape this?

yes, i do mean gmone, i knew there was a silent letter before it but i didnt know which one it was so i guessed a k. thank you for the correction :o)

October 21, 2003

take a number. just kidding.;D

October 26, 2003

RYN: I TOLD you it didn’t relate to me! I don’t even LIKE whisky! ;D

RYN: Yes, I did. I said that you and I are going to hang out together this week and do open mic night soon. They all said they’d come watch me 🙂

October 28, 2003

RYN: you actually LIKE that song?