interesting day.

He called me 20 times today, countless text messages <i was trying my hardest not to respond but i finally got tired of hearing my phone vibrate and responded to one of his texts.

he asked to come over, i told him no, then he went into this rant about changing and to give him one month to prove himsself, and if it doesnt work he’ll never contact me again.
i just told him i wasn’t sure.
he asked to see me again, i finally told him he could stop by for a minute..
(so much for being strong) lol, atleast for a week i was. smh..
he came over and we sat in the car and talked for awhile. my parents, my sister and her fiance, my brother and his girlfriend were already inside watching the game with my son and nephews.
they dont know that we split not too long ago so i didnt want Drago coming in.
my mother, being the nosey person that she is, came outside to see what i was doing and invited him in for dinner! great ..akward dinner..
*sigh* so we go in after she insists that he comes in to watch the game and eat with us, sat inside for awhile and everything seemed to go ok.
my sister kept prying for information about him, asking him intrusive questions to the point where i had to redirect her focus on the game.
shes only met him twice, both in passing.. small talk mostly..
they decided to watch the game in the sunroom, which left Drago and I alone in the living room watching tv.
bit of akward silence at first, but he eventually mentioned working things out again, how he knows he didnt make the effort last time but wants another chance to make things right.
again i told him i couldnt give him an answer right now, so he asked me to think about it over the weekend.. said i would.. so its kinda left up in the air right now.
he always manages to sucker me right back into this.. smh..
he seemed genuine about what he was saying but at the same time im thinking about the past where i’ve given him a chance and nothing changed.
so i dont know.. confused right now..
my emotions are overriding all the BS he put me through in the past. im trying to see things clearly.
I did have a good time with him though, we ended up watching "i pronounce you chuck and larry" since hes never seen it, forgot how funny that movie is.
especially the shower scene where they dropped the soap and ving rhames walked in and started dancing afterwards lol.. smh..
my sister made us strawberry margaritas, those were pretty g0od.
he left around 9, told me he’d call tomorrow. all in all it wasnt a bad day, ate alot thats for sure.. i overdid it with the dressing.



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