My poor baby girl

It has hitteth the fan. The leader at moms group has often said toddlers don’t always react to new babies until a few months in and we’re at that point. It started when Phil was away for business and my mom was staying with us. I don’t know if she got used to having two of us here all day or if it was bound to happen anyway, but if one one of us is here with them and we have to pick up Sam it’s total meltdown. We had an amazing morning this morning; we made no-bake energy balls, ran up and down the ramp to the door and played ball for awhile, had a massive dance party, fed her stuffed ducky and then sat with him on the potty for awhile (lol), and watched the construction going on across the street for our neighbors new pool. Seriously, Sam napped so long I kept going to check on him. When he finally woke up I asked if we should go get him and got an emphatic NO, which is not like her. So I gave her a minute and a warning that I was going to have to get him and it was a total scream fest. "No Mommy, play, plaaaaaaay". Then poor Sam woke up all happy and was cooing and smiling while I changed his diaper until she came in screaming and his whole face fell and HE started to cry.

But then she really does love him and always wants him with us. When I put her in the car "Baby come?" When she wakes up from nap "Where baby?" Even the mornings she’s very against him, I’ll put him down for nap and go to use the bathroom and she’s in his room saying "Shhhhh baby sleeping, kiss baby" (very inconvenient she can open doors BTW) It’s exhausting, I can’t keep up. And if I feel like it’s hard I can’t imagine how she feels not knowing what to do with all these emotions.

Anyway. It was about a billion degrees last week, ugh. Living in the north east central air isn’t standard by any means. We have one portable unit and one window unit and of course with Phil out of town I couldn’t get the window one in myself. So I was dragging the portable from the living room to Riley’s room to cool it down, back to the living room, then to the master overnight since Sam sleeps swaddled. It still averaged 87 degrees for about 3 days in our house. If I hadn’t had a stupid dentist appointment we would have gone to Maine and stayed with my parents, but the appoint had already been rescheduled twice and I’d known about these cavities for over a YEAR.

Wednesday I did buy an el cheapo sprinkler and that was super fun. We played in that all evening, Riley and I were soaked and even my mom ran through a few times. Thursday I really really wanted to go to my favorite petting farm about an hour away while my mom was still here (I hate the long drive alone with the kids) but it was too much with a high of 97. So we went to a local (FREE) splash pad and it was awesome. We met Riley’s BFF and her mom there and spent the whole morning. I felt bad because another mom from our playgroup was there and her daughter was so excited Riley was there, but as usual R only cared about her BFF. I was annoyed some random woman wouldn’t let up about Sam overheating, she went as far as to reach out and touch his head, then was all "oh he isn’t hot". No kidding, lady. I had him in the shade, under an umbrella, and sitting so the wind was blowing a cool mist off the pad, it was quite nice actually. We even dangled his legs in one of the sprinklers a couple times, which he wasn’t a huge fan of. It was mostly annoying because she had her baby in a wrap and the baby was red and sweaty – could you worry about your own kid?

Friday we had a play date at the mall play place. It was supposed to be at my house, but see "no AC". The play place wasn’t any better. I forgot it’s under a glass dome and the sun was beating on us, it wasn’t any better than being at home. Plus Riley wouldn’t stop jumping on the benches and she made "friends" with a much older girl who was telling her to do things she shouldn’t. Overall could have done without that day.

Anyway, my time is up and I’m back to work on Saturday 🙁 I’m really concerned about Phil handling the two of them together. I guess worst case scenario Riley watches more TV than usual and Sam doesn’t eat as much as he normally would. He’s still unsure how he feels about the bottle. It does make me feel better knowing it will only be a few hours, really. They both go down for nap between 1 and 2 (I don’t work until 2) and Riley usually sleeps until 4:30. Sam is a little more unpredictable, but I know Phil can handle one at a time. Really then dinner is at 6, bath, then bedtime routine. I think it would be worse if he was with them all morning alone, especially since Sam usually boycotts sleep in the AM and catnaps. I’m also nervous because there have been a lot of changes while I’ve been out, I know I don’t remember my passwords, and I’m dreading pumping. One day a week, just one day a week.

I might be going out for drinks with people I haven’t really met before tomorrow. I seem to do a lot of this since becoming a mom and having all our friends vanish. The place we go to playgroup has a Facebook page and some people from there have friended me even though our kids are different ages and in different groups. One of them wanted to go out so I said sure, I think there are 3 others? I might chicken out, but then I’m never going to meet new people if I don’t put myself out there.

Turbo Fire is going well. I’m starting week 3 of the prep program this week and had my first HIIT workout today. I was all "bah, what’s 20 mins?" Apparently you can do a LOT in 20 mins lol. My glutes almost seized up towards the end and even after the 10 minute stretch my legs shook for about a half hour after I was finished. After gaining the first week I seem to be losing somewhat steadily. I’ve already lost inches from my waist and hips which is really what I’m after. It’s definitely rebuilding my body!

Since I haven’t mentioned it this entry MAGIC MIKE. Haha.

Okay, I keep saying I’m going to post pictures and I never do, so here!

R and her BFF

And a random one of me nursing at a wedding a couple months ago, that’s Sam’s arm, you can’t see my boob lol. I love that dress!


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June 25, 2012

Beastfeeding is beautiful!

June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012

your children are gorgeous!