Where does God want me to go?

I don’t normally just run up to write but I actually have stuff going on up in my head.


I have been dealing with the issues that have gone along with my being asked to consider going into the minestry as what to do with my life.  Alot of thought and prayer have gone into it and I am still on the confused side of things. 


I came down to school and spoke to the Friar that heads the Catholic Ministry on campus.  I am not Catholic but I felt comfterable going to him to discuss my confusion.  He told me that I am correct in what I am thinking right now and that I should take what was said to me as a compliment and explore more and determine where I am comfterable.  It is not only the personal comfort but the public comfort as well.  And that I really need to figure out what my ministry would be.  He told me that I should continue to pray on it and work with the students who head the on campus groups I am involved with and see what they say, and work with them on developing my comfort area. 


I have some direction and now its a matter of where God wants to take me.  I have to put it into his hands to see where my life will go from here.

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July 9, 2008

Prayer is a great way to get some questions answered. I wish you all the best.