Odd things happening

Okay I will preface this with a this is not one of my normal type entries.


Okay obviously in my last entry I mentioned one of my friends asked me to get her a vibrator.  A long thick one preferably.  Its like how the frick did this happen to me?


The other day I was chatting with a friend who I had not talked to in a while.  The discussion turned to how the 2 of us basically have dirty minds all the time.  Then it came to lack of sex and she told me that she would never turn me down.  Its like where did that come from?  So maybe things are looking up in that regard.


Tonnight I was at work and I was talking to one of the girls.  She was bitching about how she had sex with her boyfriend and he duped her after having sex with another girl later that night.  And how she did it cuz she was horny and they didn’t have a condom.  I’m thinking umm wait.  How did I end up on this topic with you?


Okay its just been interesting.  Looks like I may have a new FWB.  I know the lady who was my FWB reads this and she may go took him long enough.  Or she may go why the hell is he writing about this?


Either way its been odd.

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December 12, 2007

*grins* I don’t mind talking about sex with people. At least it makes for good conversation. LOL Have a good one!