I think people at work are oblivious

I seriously do not get it.  People must me totally dense or something.  Maybe they do not think that we have lives.


Yesterday I was scheduled for training at another store.  We are getting a new register system and they wanted me to learn it.  So they scheduled me to be at one of our other stores at 6:30 in the morning.  Well, the store is an hour away.  I had pointed out that if I was to learn how to open te new system I really needed to be there for 6 and they agreed.  SO I got up and basically ran out the door by 5:45 in the morning.


Oh yeah I got home at 10:30 the night before from work.


Then last night well I wasn’t done.  After being up early to go to the other store I had to close.  Got home 10:30ish and fell asleep by midnight.  So I was pretty much up and on my feet for sonething like 19 hours.  Then I had school this morning.  Sweet.


I get home and they had left me a message saying that they want me to go in early.  Lets see.  Umm no?  Don’t they realize I am beat from this mess?  They should of seen me stumbling around this morning and not being able to concentrate in class because of this disaster.

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