Wow! What a day

Today was cool. 1st hour, The dance commitee practiced(which i am a part of). In 2nd hour, we chilled. I shared a current event with the class. In 3rd hour, we had a sub, so we had to do bookwork. Me and my friend shared a book. In 4th hour, we worked on our Eulogies. at lunch, I chilled. My friend Darius scared me and I smacked him. In 5th hour, we had another sub, so the school store was closed today. In 6th hour, we read. Now, I am at home. More tomorrow.

Girl Power,


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That’s it? Just 6 periods? You are so lucky! My school goes all the way up to 11th period, but that’s only for people college classes. I have 1-10. 1st period begins @ 7:25AM and 10th period ends at 3:00PM.

*smack* it’s people like you….