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February 28, 2008

hey just a suggestion: i heard that if you have writers blcok, if you do something really embarrassing in public things just naturally come to you. i dont know if this works, juuust a suggestion. hope it all works out for you. hate writrs block. stop by my diary sometime!!!

Here’s a dumb question for you, what’s your book about?

RYN: Sounds good. Let me know when it’s published! I’ve thought about trying my hand at writing. How did you get started?

RYN: Short stories, I expect. I do have ideas for a novel, or at least a very long, complicated story, but I figure if I want to try and publish to see if I have the chops first before I go nuts. Thanks, I’ll look it up.

March 3, 2008

How about telling a little about what the book is about. Maybe that will help you to work out what’s going to happen next. Talk it through ya know. Who knows, just an idea.