Current June

Current June

current book: Just finished "Honour" by Elif Shafak and I’m still digesting this book. Haven’t made my mind which to read next.
current music: I’m now addicted to Ellie Goulding, listening all over again the album "Halcyon" it’s quite complex as for my taste but in a way that more I listen more I like it
current colors: him maybe yellow as we really need more sun and bright colours here in London!
current drink: for healthy reasons I have to drink cranberry juice, not my fav but this is my current drink, plus tea and coffee of course. I’m more than usual into red wine these days too.

current food: at the very moment Lindt chocolate ‘creation’ with cream brulee
current songs: Ellie Goulding "Anything can happen"

current movie: "While you were sleeping"movie I presume from 90’s with Sandra Bullock, arguably the only good actor in this movie, however I love the story and Lucy played by Bullock 🙂
current TV shows: The Apprentice
current wants: more understanding what is all about, more peace
current needs: sleep
current triumph(s): being honest
current bane(s) of my existence: creating stories in my head about guy s I don’t even talk too 😉
current outfit: long, grey skirt, it’s been ages since last time I wore a long skirt!
current excitement: my trip to Italy to be with my sister and my brother is already there too, so siblings meeting time!:)
current mood: a bit sad, not in depressed way, just sad that things go the way they go…and yes I mean guys!


Which book should i read next???

 this sounds a bit like Jackie Collins books, so not sure my type…

 I want to read it before seeing the movie

 this sounds so interesting, family of women living together with a secret of their extraordinary long lifehood

  few people meet together and discover the bond they would never expected to have. One of them is a girl who works night shifts as a cleaner and do art during the day.

can’t make my mind which to read!

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June 1, 2013

I vote for the olive tree one.

June 3, 2013

I vote for the 2nd one. I want to read that too! I am currently reading a sci fi book and need something better lol oh and as for: “current bane(s) of my existence: creating stories in my head about guy s I don’t even talk too” — Me too lol

June 4, 2013

You must read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the unabridged version of The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexadrae Dumas. My two fave books ever!

June 14, 2013

Roots of the Olive Tree :-0) xx

June 14, 2013

ryn: The Colin Firth adaption is the best! Follows the book very nicely! The Kiera Knightly version is HORRIBLE!