Sunday night survey-random

Strange, strange day….quite emotional, few conversations with some members of my family but it was a good day I have to say. In the evening my brother came over and cooked some pasta, he started cooking without asking, maybe because he saw me being quite sick. It’s not that bad with me, but you can tell I’m not at my best, sore throat, constant coughing etc. My brother made some disgusting mixture of squashed garlic, honey and egg yolk and told me to eat it. I couldn’t..I almost got sick after two tea spoons…and I still can feel the garlic in my mouth yuck! Instead I made only egg yolk and honey mix…still had difficulties eating it as I don’t like honey it can make me sick and this one is of the better quality, more pure, which I find even more difficult to eat.

ANYWAY….I’m off tomorrow so I will stay in and will do inhalations my mum gave me, will keep eating this disgusting honey, I have vitamins, food from my mum, some fruits…so I’m prepared!

Not feeling like going to bed yet but feel like doing some survey….

Taken from Embrasse-la

 Do you have a bulletin board in your room? 


Was your father ever in the military?
Yes, still have lots of photos of him being there

How many books have you read in the past year?
Honestly I can’t tell…around 15-20…? not that much 

Do you think this summer will be better than last summer?
Last summer was exceptionally good, I hope this one will be even better though 🙂

What is one thing that annoys you about your mother?

trying to control everything 
How many times have you been drunk?

Once or twice.

Do you like acoustic music?

How do you normally wear your hair?
I have a short bob cut, I usually part them on one side 

What’s the brand of the jeans you’re wearing?
Levi’s skinny navy jeans, very flexible and nice

How many contacts are in your cell phone?
a lot….I don’t even know who some of them are

Do you have a lack of something in your life?
self esteem…but I can see it’s progressing

What color hair did you have when you were little?
brown..with some blond shade..apparently 

If you had to work at a clothing store, which one would you choose?

I worked once in shoe shop and gave up after few weeks as it was the most boring experience in my life! I guess only some market, flee bazaar I will find more interesting…never shop!

Do you wear mascara or eyeliner?
Always mascara, eye pencil on occasion

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done lately?
hmm…not so crazy lately can’t think of anything
What’s been on your mind lately?
my brother’s and cousin’s problems 

How do you deal with regret?
I rarely regret sth…but if I do I stop thinking about it by telling myself that it ment to be this way

Are you modest?
in a way yes 
What’s your favorite song at the moment?
hmm it depends I don’t have only one

What is your least favorite color to wear?
black and pink
Who has taught you most in life?
my grandma and my aunt
Did you watch boy meets world when you were younger?

Do you order online or go out shopping more?

What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done all day?
said sth
Have you ever felt perfect with someone?

Do you ever think of certain people and wonder what the hell happened?

What was the last thing you drank out of a bottle?
it will sound weird but coffee
Are you doing okay?
trying to 😉

Do you mess with your hair a lot throughout the day?
when I’m at home they annoy me a lot, I put a head band on, take it off, put it again, off again and on and on
Do you believe people really do change?
Of course.
Have you ever had to deal with someone close moving away?
yes many many times! 
What was the last illegal activity you took part in?
drinking coffee in when I paid for take away (which is slightly cheaper) I’m such a rebel! LOL

Are you comfortable in your own skin?
I have to say more and more

Ever just needed a break from the world?
Yes..and I took that break, it was great

Have you met the last person you kissed’s parents?
When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
Yesterday! but John hugs everybody

Is the last person you kissed more than 2 years older than you?
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
both…it depends of with whom I’m talking, but I prefer to let it out than keep it in

Are you a jealous person?
in love yes…as someone said: Jealousy is the shadow of love, stronger love, longer shadow….not sure I completely agree with that but in a way yes

Last time you slept in someone else’s bed?
In Poland at my aunt’s, I admit the bed wasn’t mine! 😉

Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person that kissed you?

Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year?
As it is past tense I have to say it was Andrew

Were you happier 7 months ago or now?
felt differently, happy in a different way, happier? don’t think so

Are you in a serious relationship?

Will you be in a relationship in two months?
It’s unlikely.

What’s on your mind?

Would you live with someone without marrying them?

Did the last person who hurt you ever apologize?
who hurt me…? oh…well…no but I didn’t expect this anyway 

Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfrien

no..maybe because I saw him only once, he lives on a different continent, literally 
What do you do when you have a bad day?
trying to relax in the evening or I drink a take away coffee….nice, strong coffee always helps
Do you want someone you can’t have?
Not sure if I can’t have but yes 

What did you realize today?
Listening is gold, talking risky 

Were you single on your last birthday?

Is there a person from the past that you would like to talk to?

Do you regret letting someone walk out of your life?
It just happened …

Do you miss them?
Do you care if people hate you?
I guess I do

Can you commit to one person and one person only?

What color of hair did the last person you kissed have?
dark brown 

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
The Impossible

How many times are your ears pierced?

Who was the last person who called you?
Chat…my cousin

Have you honestly been IN love before?

What color are your toe nails painted?
They aren’t.

What was the last flavor of soda you consumed?
probably orange but haven’t  had soda for long time

What have you accomplished this weekend?
Made decision to keep learning violin, looked for a new violin tutor and emailed her

Do you own anything with plaid on it?
hmm one or two things,jacket

What color is your purse?
brown leather, love it

Do your eyebrows match your hair color?

How long ago did you brush your teeth?
This morning. 

Do you smoke weed more than once a week?

Do you have a large forehead?
Yes, when I was small I hate it….now I’m OK with it

How many times have you smoked a cigarette?
2-3 years

Have you ever had hallucinations?

in a way when I was small
What did you wear today?

jeans and black hoodie

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March 3, 2013
March 21, 2013

Loved this hon – I will do it :-0) Hugs xx