nästan totalt fiction (I)

Whenever he was in another city, on business, for a conference, for even day, there was always the same fantasy. To meet someone. To connect. To be, for even a day… for even an hour… someone else. Someone with a different life. A moment. A fling. A stolen streetcorner kiss in an unfamiliar city. But it never happened. It never happened, because in order for it to happen he would have to leave the hotel room and…. And what? Go to a bar? A “club”? What does that even…? How do people do it? He really had no idea. He could no more flap his arms and hover a foot off the ground than imagine…

But times are changing. Mingling has been outsourced to the cloud. GPS – Global Positioned Socialization. “Chat with local…” I mean… it was still a longshot. But it was a longshot in a game he understood.

“Start a conversation with…”

One. Two. Three. A game of averages. Hej! I’m visiting Stockholm for a week, and would love to…

To what? Chat? Sure. Why not? Call it that.


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May 23, 2013

This is as good a spot as any. It’s what I came down to in the end. Old, outdated backasswards code that nobody is updating or likely will … Sometimes goes down, presumably for not paying site fees but. Apparently they scramble the **** together as they’re …still here. Still ‘listening’.