a new personal web journaling low point…

I had a dream last night. I don’t remember how it started, but I think we were on vacation somewhere. I went into a men’s room, and stepped up to the urinal. Just as I started doing my thing, I noticed that the one next to me had a digital camera on top that someone had left there. (A Canon, I believe.) I picked it up and turned it on and started scrolling through the pictures. Some of the pictures had captions, so I thought they might help me figure out who the camera belonged to. One caption said – “Tim, your silly daughter Anna”. Some pictures looked like the inside of my old school. There was a Tim who worked there, and I was trying to remember if he had a daughter named “Anna”.

At this point I was having difficulty working the camera with one hand while I was still – you know – with the other. So I made an effort to “stop the flow” as it were, so I could briefly use both hands to use the camera. I was having only marginal success…

Just at that moment I woke up abruptly, with a sensation of… no… that isn’t…. I didn’t just…. noooo….

You see, a lesser man could have just blamed the wet spot on the cat. It was small enough. But since the next time the cat pees on the bed it will very likely earn her a one-way trip to the vet, I chose NOT to take the easy way out. No, instead I am here to declare to my wife and to all the world – My name is Dave. I’m 35. I have a Ph.D. And I wet the bed!!!

dave (doctorsilence.blogspot.com)

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April 14, 2005

OMG. Now THAT was some dream!! đŸ˜‰

April 14, 2005

Ahahahaha! too funny! I did that once when i dreamt a tiger was chasing me but of course I was only 8 or 9 then đŸ˜‰

May 9, 2005

hope you come back to visit.

May 9, 2005

hope you come back to visit.

July 9, 2005

That’s a different kind of wet dream. Miss talking to you. ~L

Very courageous hehe..