come on R2… we’re going…

a BONUS ENTRY for OD readers that does not appear in my blogspot-hosted weblog!

I mentioned my space heater in an earlier entry… the one that tripped the breaker Tuesday. It’s one of those little desk heaters with a fan… basically a hair dryer in the shape of a cube. It can’t heat a room, but it feels nice if you point it right at you. I actually usually put in UNDER my desk – that way it fills up the space around my legs with toasty warm goodness. It’s no substitute for “real” heat, but it helps just enough.

So that same day, after I reset the circuit breaker and made my tea, I unplugged the coffee machine and plugged the heater back in, put it on the floor and sat back to write some emails while my legs basked in toasty warm goodness.

After a few minutes I feel my right foot vibrating…


I look down and notice that my shoe is touching the space heater. Oops. I give it a little nudge away from my foot, and go back to writing. Write, write, write…


Huh. Did I move my foot? I must have moved my foot. I’ll nudge the heater a little further out of the way.

Write, write… I feel it again, its little fan vibrating up against my shoe…


Hmmm… I’m pretty sure I didn’t move my foot. What the hell? This time I give it a nudge and then watch it. I watch as the vibration from the fan sends it slowly but purposefully scuttling across the smooth tile floor, making a beeline right back towards my shoe.


How cute! It’s like a little warm, friendly robot who just wants to snuggle my foot. Or set my pants leg on fire, I’m not sure which. Anyway, no matter what way I kick it, it seems to vibrate its way right back to my foot. It’s my new robotic pet. As cuddly-warm as a kitty, and just about as obedient.

Hopefully I won’t come to work someday and find that it’s wandered off to find Obi-wan Kenobi.

“I don’t recall ever owning a space heater…”


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December 11, 2003

LOL! 🙂 Fun stuff… well, not the part about possibly setting your pants leg on fire… but you know. cute 🙂

December 11, 2003

Hmmmm…thoughts of vibrating heat that keep coming back for more…. What?? You knew I would have to get naughty about it! ;0)

December 11, 2003

Tee hee… that’s adorable. Hugs

Awww, it’s adowable.


December 12, 2003

vibrating and warm… not such a bad combo at all 🙂

ryn – it’s entirely possible. They had a large area blocked off and mostly it was over the river. But then again as a visitor — I have no idea what the ordinances were…..