cycles… for k….

The thing about cycles is… it’s not that you go nowhere, it’s even worse…

You can thank Sadi Carnot and the second law of thermodynamics. Carnot was talking about steam engines, but his statements have broader applicability.

A strictly cyclic process does no work. In resetting the system back to its initial state, no net effect has been produced.

In order for a cyclic process to produce a net effect (Work) it must be allowed to interact with its environment. To be precise, it must be allowed to release HEAT into the environment, thus increasing its “entropy” – the disorganization of its configuration and its energy.

Therefore, any work you do is balanced by a corresponding increase in entropy (“disorder”) somewhere else in the universe.

Good luck with your housework.



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December 3, 2003

no… it’s not that I don’t want to hear something like this… it’s that I *know* this. Precisely why it’s so frustrating, ultimately…. y’know. Of course just as concepts go, the idea that my housework might be bringing chaos to the universe is a kind of fun one. 🙂 LOL…

December 4, 2003

*looks terribly stupid*

December 6, 2003

The thing about the laundry is… it’s never really done.