i wanna WAKE up…

Man, yesterday was a SHITTY day… the four year old acted like a nut the whole day in the city, my wife and I yelled at her non-stop for about 5 hours… last night the baby was in a state where he just… would… not… stop… SCREAMING. I’m so fucking tired of kids right now. And the wife is too, which – as I said a few entries ago – just pisses me off even more. ”Everything I try to do turns into a disaster, I guess we just can’t leave the house ever again, boo-hoo-hoo.” Yeah? No shit. Almost makes you wish you didn’t always get your fucking way, doesn’t it.

If anything GOOD happened out of yesterday, it’s that the Mom of the kid who was supposed to go to the museum with us on Thursday is sick, so we don’t have to do it all over again tomorrow.

I’m just so fucking tired…

Have I mentioned that?

— — —

It happened again this morning… just now… it happened to me last week too… I seldom actually fall asleep on the train, but a few times lately I’ve been tired enough to doze off for a while, and twice now I’ve woken up somewhat abruptly with NO idea where I am on the train… no idea which DIRECTION I’m headed… unsure if I’m on my way to work or heading home!!

Imagine my disappointment when I come to and realize that my day is just starting…

Isn’t complete physical and mental exhaustion FUN?

— — —

On the walk to work this morning I passed a bus-stop billboard ad for Miller Lite which read… ”The REAL Reason the City Never Sleeps.” Hmmm… really? The city never sleeps because of alcohol?? That’s funny, cuz I always figured alcohol was the reason half the city sleeps in a fucking doorway.

Advertising pisses me off.

Ok… I’m gonna post this, then walk down to the NYU library to clear up my overdue fines.


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April 23, 2003

Hope things get better for you…

Raising small children is exhausting. I remember.

April 23, 2003

I’m sorry that things are going so roughly on you. I hope things are getting better or will get better. As for the sleeping and waking up, I’ve done that a lot. Unfortunately for me I wake up after my stop.

April 23, 2003

ive taken to napping at my desk durning my lunch break, only 25 min… but god that little nap feels good. im sure the students walk down the hall and peek in and wonder why im asleep at my desk. shrug. at least i turn the lights off.


Sorry about the whole thing, dude…I hope the kids start to get on some sort of schedule soon, and that they grow up really fast to the point that they know what “Hush up!” means.

April 23, 2003

my life is getting routine too

thats the sh**tiest feeling in the world to be so tired and exhausted and have no hope for possibly catching up with your rest any time soon. i hope you get some relaxation time in this weekend. xoxox