get off of my train….

I’m tired as all kinds of fuck this morning, so I plan on spending a good chunk of this train ride with my eyes SHUT. This will be a quickie.

Yesterday was an ok work day, with the exception of that one advisee experience that happens every semester… some kid shows up who missed the registration meeting, has none of their materials, hasn’t looked at a course catalog… shit, kid… I’m your advisor, not a fucking magician, what the fuck do you want me to do? So I sent her off to the main advising office. Be gone with you, o’ clueless one!

Got home to a 4 year old begging to ride her bike. We got her one of those little 14” bikes… it’s cute, but she can’t really ride it very well yet (not even WITH the training wheels!) and we don’t really have anyplace safe to ride except the back patio. Anyway, at some point during this process we wound up with every fucking kid in the neighborhood in our back yard… including the somewhat thickheaded boy from next door and the two fat, ill-behaved kids from the white trash house. Now these kids range in age from 9-12, and they are coming over asking to “play” with the 4 year old? I don’t think so… what you really want is to play on my fucking $800 swingset… which of course they did… until the fat little bastards pulled it right the fuck out of the ground and I had to put an end to that. Y’know… my wife and I didn’t want to be those kinds of parents… to do the “you can’t play with those kids” thing… because they are just kids, after all, and my daughter certainly isn’t old enough to understand, but… yeah… that’s the last time those kids will sit on those fucking swings, I can tell you that.

Nothing much else of note happened until 11:00 or so when the baby rolled out of our bed and landed on his face on the floor. Ooops. I guess he CAN roll over now, huh? Poor little guy. Time to do the pillow-thing, I guess… keep him boxed it. He seemed ok… once he stopped screaming, that is. It was my wife’s fault, by the way… for the record.

The wife and kids are taking the train into the city this afternoon… preschool is closed this week, and my wife is just looking for shit to do every day… there is some kind of flower thing going on at Macy’s… I don’t fucking know… my wife and her “flower things”… I don’t even ask anymore… anyway, I’m meeting them at 1:00, then we’ll take the train home together. That really kinda sucks actually… I feel like my space is being invaded… train-time is MY fucking time people…. It’s the ONLY fucking time I have to myself, and now you’re gonna take THAT away? We’re doing it again on Thursday… they are coming in with one of my daughter’s preschool friends and her family, and we’re all going to see the dinosaurs at the American Museum of Natural History. So that’s TWO commutes I’m robbed of this week. I’m gonna be really crabby by Friday, I predict.

Ok…well… I promised myself some shut-eye, and that’s what I’m going to do



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April 22, 2003

Yeah… one of my mom’s “friends” (not to be *that* kind of person–but a welfare mom of 3–3 different dad’s etc you know?) …well she just moved in 3 blocks down & went on & on about how excited her T was to come play with O & H. He’s TEN. Why would a 10 yo be excited to play with a 4 & 5 yo? I politely said I didn’t want to encourage O&H in playing with kids that much older than them…

April 22, 2003

The thing is, really–he has ZERO respect for rules of any sort, nor any idea that he’s playing with kids smaller & less coordinated than him… he did come over once for like… 5 minutes & proceeded to walk thru like… every piece of dog crap in the yard (walking around with a good amount smeared all over his pant leg–ick… didn’t seem to care) & H had fallen & hurt herself almost right away.

April 22, 2003

Ok–kid? GO HOME. I don’t want to babysit him ya know? But the $800 swing set… right. & it sucks to try to explain that to your own little one… who is usually just excited to have someone else–especially BIG KIDS–seeming to be into playing with them.

April 22, 2003

I understand about the “my time” thing. I don’t like people invading it either. Of course my time is usually when other people are sleep, but still…I don’t like people invading my space. The only time I’d allow it is if it will be a short amount of time. I don’t even see my adviser. I only see her if I need to drop a class. I wish we had a good museum down here….

RYN: Cajun In My Pocket is DAMN funny… friend knows the guy who “invented” it. Come to ITW!! I miss your entries….LOL 😉