win some, lose some…

From the look of my notes, it seems I’ve lost a few readers, but gained even MORE new ones over the past month or so. I’m glad people are still reading, even as weird and sporadic as I’ve been lately. Once again, I feel like I’m not doing my part… I haven’t read here AT ALL for about a month. I simply don’t spend any “time” at OD’s site. I write my entries on the train, then when I get to work I post my entry, check my email, and go to class. There’s none of the browsing and surfing and reading going on anymore. I should set aside at least an hour or so one day a week to visit everyone who leaves me notes and say “hi”.

Anyway… there’s my monthly self-inflicted guilt trip.

Not a whole lot else is going on. The wife had a crappy day yesterday… Easter Egg tantrums of some sort… I dunno… it sounded pretty typical, but I got one of those emails yesterday afternoon. Some flowers from the Penn Station kiosk seemed to do the trick. Women… what the fuck? Flowers? I just don’t get it.

The baby used to have a screaming crazy fit every night at about 4:00 AM. Well, since the “Spring Forward”, he now has that same screaming crazy fit at 5:00 AM… and since I have to wake up at 5:30 AM… that means there is no time for me to go back to sleep afterwards, which fucking sucks. So that’s another fucking half hour of sleep I’m out. I need to remember to drink some damned tea today… I forgot my daily caffeine dose yesterday, and I was dragging ass all evening.

Still in the middle of registration and advising at work. Checked my own rosters for next semester… only a few registrees for my courses. That’s to be expected, since both of my courses are 200-level, and only juniors and seniors have registered so far. Sophomores and Freshmen register next week, and they are the ones who take 200-level courses for the most part. Still, two of my students from THIS year have registered for NEXT year’s courses, so once again I can rest assured that at least THAT class doesn’t totally suck. In fact, I think I may have acquired my first academic “groupie”…one of the girls in my class this term has registered for BOTH of my classes next semester. Hmmm… that seems like a bit too much of “me” even to ME! Especially since those two classes are on the same DAY next fall! Three hours and forty minutes of the same professor in one day! Jeez. (At least there is a break between the classes.) And I don’t even think she has the “Indiana Jones” thing going on either… she seems generally interested in physics. Imagine that!

Just popped the latest Aimee Mann disc into the laptop… I know I’ve said this before, but…her voice… fuck… it makes me want to just stop typing and LISTEN… it’s too bad she seems to have such a penchant for overproduction on her albums… I’d really like to just hear her and an acoustic guitar.

Some local color… Long Island is just littered with forsythia… these big fucking scraggly, flowery, yellowy bushes… they are EVERYWHERE! It’s weird, cuz I’m not sure I ever really noticed them anywhere I lived until I moved here. They sure do bloom early, though. I dunno… not much more to say about forsythia… I just noticed them looking out the train window. I will say I’m pretty impressed with myself for spelling it right on the first try, though.

OK… no more for today. Time for some meditative music listening before the battery runs too low. (No outlet today!)

Dr. D.

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One of “THOSE” emails? 8-|

April 18, 2003

*g* …you should email me with some good music “suggestions” from your pov… different stuff to dl & “test drive.” 🙂 Ya know, the stuff you MIGHT have burned to cd & sent to me for xmas. 🙂 I’ll just make it myself… c’mon. Play list please? Ok. So this is the “new name.” & I’m doing some revamping… but plan to go “un-private” sometime today or tomorrow. 😉

April 18, 2003

Aimee Mann is so cool.

April 21, 2003

*Guilty look of my own* I’m still reading…but haven’t been noting. *sheepish look* YEAH YEAH I know leave a note dammit! Note left! Love ya!