pink hair and PASCAL…

So the same day I got caught up here at OD, I went over to blogspot to start up a site there… exploring the idea of moving…and after posting three entries, I can’t get THAT fucking thing to work either! I post and “publish” my entries, and they show up in my editor, but when I click on “view page” it tells me that doesn’t exist. Fuck! If I want error messages, I’ll stay right here at OD!

I was walking past a class full of students today, and as I slipped by the door and had a quick glance inside, I was stricken by the thought… isn’t is a little sad that society has reached the point where having pink hair doesn’t even really make you particularly interesting anymore. I mean, when I was 18… if I had known anyone with pink hair, that would have been extremely noteworthy. It would have made them a punk or a weirdo or a freak or… something. Now everybody has pink hair. You can’t spit on a college campus without hitting two people with pink hair, or blue hair… not to mention three people with tattoos and four with a face full of piercings. Why go to all the trouble? Hell, why spend all that MONEY?? If you’ve got 6 tattoos and 4 piercings AND pink hair… you’re out about a thousand bucks… and you STILL looks just like everybody else. What’s the point? Hell, I don’t even think “Pink” has pink hair anymore, cuz I think she finally realized nobody really cared.

It’s springtime, by the way… and I have a bit of a stiff neck. Why, you ask? Not sure… although my best guess is that it’s from whipping it around every fucking time a chick walks by wearing a fucking miniskirt and tanktop so small that they are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics. OK, well the obscure physics reference may have dulled the sense of urgency of that comment, but….what I’m trying to say is… FUCK! It’s not even really hot yet. I need to get fucking laid, I can tell you that much.

My wife was out of the house for EXACTLY one hour yesterday, to pick up my daughter from preschool. And so WHEN did the Airborne Express guy come with my laptop? FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! So I signed the slip saying they could just leave it if it happens again… although that makes me insanely nervous. It would be a pretty easy life of crime just to drive around stealing UPS and FedEx packages off of peoples’ porches. And they are so clever about hiding them too… they go over to the side of the house and dump your package behind a bush, and then put a note on your door that says “Package left on side of house behind bush.” Oh… well, thanks for that. At least I’m safe from criminals who CAN’T READ!

I kinda have this goal of getting all of these Macs together, and all of my CDs together and making a SINGLE BACK-UP of all the important files I’ve ever had EVER on ONE DVD-ROM disc. Everything from my thesis and email files from 1997 to my 4 years of curriculum at the Old School to my new stuff. Although, maybe that’s silly since it will all be immediately out-of-date. I suppose three disks makes the most sense… Grad School Era… Old School Era… New School Era. Split up that way, I might even be able to fit it on 3 CD-ROMs. (My mp3’s and porn excluded! They get their own “special” discs!)

Someone on eBay is selling a copy of “THINK Pascal 4.0” for Mac… it’s probably about a 12 year old programming environment. Who the hell programs in PASCAL anymore? Well… I, for one *wish* that I did! I used to LOVE that language… all those “BEGIN” and “END” statements… so much more satisfying than C with its fucking curly braces… { { } }… fuck that… what a mess. I’m praying nobody bids on it, so I can grab it for 10 bucks or so. It fits nicely into my plan of making these old macs into numerical programming machines. I guess I have versions of “THINK C” that will run on these too… although I may have to “downgrade” the OS back to system 7.6.

This is all completely meaningless to all of you, isn’t it. Hopefully you can at the very least enjoy my geeky enthusiasm about such nonsense.

Well… I’m kinda tired. Maybe I’ll close my eyes for a while. I don’t really have any “work” to do… I don’t think. I’ll be busy all night and probably most of tomorrow “restoring” my iBook. Assuming it’s fixed of course. Which hasn’t been a very safe assumption up until now. Can’t wait to find out!



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Hm, hey, did you know there’s a “”? Interestink.

BTW, I’d be happy to see if I could get the stupid thing working (sounds like maybe a config issue), but I’m not tech support … so, if you’re interested, grab me at my OD mail address. Otherwise, ignore it 😉