Gotta catch up!

Well I have a year of entries to catch up on so I best get started, especially since I’m going to be gone for two months as of mid-September since I’m going to be working out of town.

First, I’ll do a bit of a backstory. For four years after I graduated high school, I worked as a researcher at an online database (and more!! wow yawn) company. I was living paycheque to paycheque and not really saving anything and my life was pretty dead-end.

Well anyway, my brother owns a stone masonry company called Solid State Masonry, and he invited me to move down to where he is (about 250 miles away) to live at his house and work for him. And that’s exactly what I did! So now I’m learning all the various intricacies of stone masonry (there aren’t many). The problem of course is that I have never really been a very “hands on” type of person. I haven’t so much as used a hammer in my entire life. So this is a pretty big change and it’s hard to pick up on things quickly but I’ll discuss that another time.

So anyway, I left my suite, my mother, my friends, and the city that I lived in for thirteen years… behind. I’ve been here for two months now and that about sums that up. So yeah. Big changes that I’m trying to cope with.

As if that wasn’t enough stress, I’m still trying to get over a breakup with my ex, who of course I’m still friends with. It’s weird. I thought it took me a long time to get over my last ex, but it’s been longer than that and I still can’t make that shift in my head, like, “Hey. This girl isn’t your girlfriend anymore, dipshit. Get a clue.”

I don’t know if I’d really say we’re close per se, but she is the only person I feel that I can share things with normally, let alone when I’m living in a strange land on a secluded mountain. No joke. Observe!

So those two things are keeping me pretty distracted. Now, on top of that, my whole future is up in the air. I had originally wanted to spend a few years here earning some (a lot of) money and then moving back to Vancouver to go to school for Kinesiology and become a personal trainer.

Instead, my plans may involve me being up here for 5, 7, maybe even 10 years? Of course, if I’m lucky I may come out of it with some major assets that will give me a lot of options and, at the end, I could move back to Vancouver and get my degree anyway but honestly I just don’t know. I want to stick with it here because it’s so rare that people get an opportunity to really have low-stress options in their life but I’m having a lot of hang-ups dealing with this new setting. It could be cold feet though, I don’t know. Anyway that’s enough writing for this entry.

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