
Last night was another night of just working. I did a bunch more work at work, because there were various things that came up, that I needed to address. Today, I’m looking to just get everything done, so I will have everything ready to pile back up while I am gone. Anyhow, when I got home, I found a text from Megan saying she was going to have another late night. I had spent a decent chunk of time yesterday afternoon here and there making a packing list for our road trip, so I did my best gathering together some of the things on the list, as well as the clothes I’m planning to take for the trip. This involved sifting through the garage for shovels and tools and such, since we will be doing some excavating during this trip. I got maybe half of it together, because some of it is stuff we might use today, and some of it, I just couldn’t find, or we still need to purchase (my list included snacks that we don’t yet have). Eventually, Megan let me know that she was heading home, so I got started making dinner. I saw another text from maybe two hours earlier that I had missed, saying that I should just make dinner, but I wouldn’t have, anyway. I got to work making pork souvlaki, couscous, and falafel, and had just finished cooking when she got home. We sat and ate with Jim, since he was home, and talked a bit about our days, our upcoming trip, and more than a little about Jim and Megan’s work (but what else is new?). Afterwards, we put some things away, I took out the trash, Megan loaded the dishwasher, and we went to bed. She wanted to go in early today, so she can come home early after having donated blood. Hopefully, that will give her time to pack her stuff this afternoon and evening, since we leave tomorrow. I think it would be good to load the car most of the way, as well… but I would settle for just being packed and having stuff together.

I would normally not be very excited about a road trip, since I often get pretty bored of being in a car for long stretches of time, but I have been through several road trips and done fine, and I’m really eager to just have some time off from work, which has been bothersome to me for some time. I’m a bit concerned about how low my leave balance will get after this trip, but at least it’s a bit less, from our having done this over a federal holiday… and before a dentist appointment… giving us a day to recuperate afterwards. I’m looking forward to it, even though there really isn’t anything that I’m that excited about seeing. I do hope that it scratches my itch and gives me a good vacation experience, since my leave balance is such that I probably won’t be taking another one for some time.

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