
Yesterday was okay, I guess. I didn’t run, figuring I needed some rest, and I still think that was the right decision. I got a lot of stuff done, and am in a pretty good place at work… though I am taking off all next week, so that will most likely change. Anyhow, in the evening, I listened to some music, which was nice, and about halfway home, I switched to my audiobook. I got a bit further than expected, because I hit traffic from the rain, and I was still home before Megan, because she had to work late. I thought about doing something fun, but felt depressed, and couldn’t think of anything I really wanted to do, so I did housework, instead. I washed the loads of dishes from Sunday, prepped the pork souvlaki for tonight, did a load of laundry, and then decided to maybe check out the XBox and see if there was a short game I might enjoy. I tried one I haven’t played in a while, but it was not as short as I had thought it was. When Megan came home, I was not quite done, so I finished up that game, and she seemed maybe a bit upset, and went into the kitchen. I think when she saw how much I had done, that softened things, though, because when I came into the kitchen, she had put the garlic bread I had prepped into the oven and made a salad, which was sweet. I heated up the leftovers while she finished with the salad, and she was very tense, so I tried to rub her shoulders some, and help her relax a bit. After that, we sat down and watched some more Glee on Netflix. After we finished eating, Megan started doing some knitting, which is normally relaxing for her, but the project she was working on had started to unravel, so she was a bit stressed trying to fix it at first. I think she got it under control, though, because she seemed okay after a while. I spent my time trying to figure out where to stay and what to do on our trip, so Megan didn’t have to do it all. I think I figured out some good things, but I had kind of run out by the time we were done. Once we had watched two episodes, it was time to go to sleep, so we headed to bed, and went to sleep. I slept relatively well. I woke up about an hour early because one of the cats knocked something over (though I never did figure out what), and had trouble sleeping again, because I was hot, had to pee, and had a cat glomming on me. I did sleep a bit, though, and got up when the alarm went off. We got ready, and I made good time to work, and enjoyed my audiobook this morning. I’m looking forward to some time off, even though it’s going to involve a road trip, and I often don’t really enjoy being in the car for long stretches. I think it will still be nice, though.

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