The Tour

Work was okay yesterday. I headed home and listened to my audiobook, since I want to get through this book quickly. Megan was home when I got home, but had just gotten there. After feeding the kitties, we got started on cooking dinner. We had planned a whole Olive Garden-themed dinner, including the Tour of Italy, so we had a lot to make. It was kind of nice working together on it, which is good, because it took a while. We had some wine while we cooked, and were finished right about when Jim got home. He had taken the day off and driven to New Jersey to switch the truck for his car. We ate and talked some, a lot of it about our planned trip to Arkansas. We had made zuppa toscana, salad, garlic bread, chicken Parmesan, lasagna, and farfale Alfredo. Most of it turned out well, but the Alfredo sauce was a little grainy, and the lasagna had too many low fat elements, so it didn’t taste quite right, but overall, it was a good meal. Though we didn’t do much else, it was still a nice evening. We went to bed pretty much right after we got everything put away, and it was a bit early, so that was good. I took valerian root and melatonin, but still slept fitfully. Megan didn’t sleep well, either. We were both very tired this morning, but since I was late yesterday, I didn’t want to be late today, so I got up and got things ready. Megan was slow getting out of bed, so I had finished pretty much everything else before she was even dressed. I was a little irritated, but it wasn’t a big deal, since I got to work roughly on time, anyway. I was asked this morning to pick up some duties that I used to do, but which have been switched to other people. I’ve been doing them, but the two other people who are supposed to do them on a normal basis have not. I still have billing and truck scheduling that I’m not falling behind on, all because the other people in my office aren’t doing what they are supposed to do. I’m trying not to let it bother me too much, to just do my thing, but it’s kind of irritating to be the only one apparently doing any work here… particularly when it’s not even the work I’m supposed to be doing in my regular job. Still, I think I’ll try to not really worry about that. My plate has been a bit empty lately, and this is something for me to do. I had things I wanted to research, but I can do that on my free time. I guess it will be fine.

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