
This weekend was a nice, fairly low key affair. It snowed about half a foot overnight on Thursday night. Since we were able to take leave, but weren’t canceled, I took leave, since I really wasn’t going to be able to get out of my driveway safely, and there was work to be done to get the house ready. I also hadn’t slept well, so those three things sealed the deal. We both stayed home, and since Megan is excited to start a business with her fibercrafts (and likely other crafts at a later date), I let her work on that, while I cleaned the house. It was a lot of hard work for me. I moved lots of things out of the living areas, did dishes, ran and folded tons of laundry, and shoveled our driveway and porch… as well as cleaning off our cars. We had the same thing for lunch as we had for dinner the night before, fancy chicken sandwiches that we had made… though we also had tortilla soup from the Vitamix at lunch time. I was really tired before I even shoveled the walk. I didn’t notice it at the time, but I managed to overwork myself with the shoveling in particular. Anyhow, I kept on working, and Megan helped me out with it after lunch, and in the evening, my mom arrived with my aunt and uncle, and we talked a bit, then went to dinner. They picked the Lebanese Taverna from the choices, and really enjoyed it. I was worried they might not, since I wasn’t eager to go there, but I’m glad they did, and I enjoyed it, myself, once I was there. We then talked for a while, and went to bed.

While I was cleaning on Friday, Megan played some music loud enough for me to hear it in the other room over her knitting machine and the roomba (which is working out pretty well), and it was loud enough for me to have a visceral reaction to the guitar, and decide that I really ought to play the guitar loud again. It really does something to make me come alive, and I really want to find time to do that.

We got up fairly early on Saturday, because my mom, aunt, and uncle were planning to leave relatively early. Megan had insisted that we leave food on the counter with notes about where things were, and I guess that worked out okay, though I still don’t think it was entirely necessary. We had breakfast and talked some more, and since Jim was home, they talked to him a fair amount. They left a bit later than they had planned, but still with plenty of time to check in to the condo they are renting, so that was nice. It was also early enough that we still could manage to have plenty of time to ourselves.

The previous day, Megan had decided on certain things she wanted to buy for her knitting stuff, so we went out to get those. We had browsed at breakfast food until fairly late, so we went shopping first. Megan bought a lot of yarn, because there was a good sale, and she had a coupon, as well. She was also stocking up a bit of inventory for things she thought she could sell at a decent profit. Since we still weren’t hungry, we then went to Staples, since she wanted to get a few things for the business part of it, like ledgers, binders, and a folder for receipts. We had lunch after that… stopping at a new Thai restaurant near the Staples, which turned out to be really good. Again, I wasn’t that keen on eating there, but it turned out quite well. We headed home after that, and Megan got to work making up her inventory system and start tracking her expenses. She seems really excited about all of this, which I can’t really fathom, since I am very much not interested in the business side of things… and though she is new to it, she seems interested in it now, where she was not, before. While she did that, I checked out things on the internet… mostly Facebook and things I got to from there. I started to try to make my new campaign setting, but felt uninspired. That’s also why I didn’t play the guitar or work on writing. It was about then that I realized both that Jim was not at home, so I could have played the guitar, and that I hadn’t taken any St. John’s wort that day, which might have contributed to my lack of motivation. We made chicken nuggets and ramen for dinner, since we were feeling uninspired there, as well, and watched the last three episodes of Chuck. Megan had read about the finale, and was preemptively disappointed based on what she had read. Jim watched with us, having not seen the previous 87 episodes, so the character focused elements (which didn’t involve a lot of action, but instead wrapped up a bunch of story loose ends) bored him. I seemed to be the only one who enjoyed it, but I did just that. We went to sleep after that. It wasn’t too terribly late.

We slept late on Sunday, which was a mercy, since I was horribly tired. We got up and made crepes for breakfast, and they were a lot easier than anticipated. Megan and I both had egg and bacon crepes, then I had a nutella crepe, and she had a powdered sugar and lemon one. After breakfast, we sat in the living room, and Megan got started on a blanket she is making for Jim. She asked what I was going to do, and I listed a few things I might try. She said I could play a video game if I wanted, so I decided to do that. Since I wasn’t desperate to play Skyrim, and she gets bored with that one, I decided to play some of the games I have downloaded, tried a few demos, and eventually settled on playing A World of Kelflings, which was free a while back. I had played the first one, and it was enjoyable for a while. This one solved some of the problems, and was rather fun… as well as being colorful and less repetitive for Megan. She kept watching instead of knitting. She eventually got tired, and sat and napped for a bit while I wrapped up my game. Jim had made chicken nuggets for lunch, and made us some, as well. It was the same thing again, but it was fine, and fairly inoffensive, so it was nice. We watched the X Files during a break in there, as well. Once we finished up, we ended up watching Glee in the evening, and made individual pizzas for dinner. Jim and I had some whiskey with the glasses he bought for me for Christmas, since he had given them to me. I got rather intoxicated, which was helpful, since I really wasn’t enjoying Glee. I believe we watched a couple of episodes of New Girl, which none of us enjoyed, so we won’t continue watching it. Anyhow, we watched Glee for a while, then took showers, and watched the first episode of the new season of Downton Abbey. Megan thought it was one hour, but it was two, so we were up late… and she was planning to get up early, so she and Jim could carpool to work.

We got up early, and I focused on getting coffee made and such, then got ready. I got the roomba cleaned up, and then played some Skyrim. I didn’t do much of consequence… just wandered toward and objective and fought a few bandits and sabre cats. Still, it was fairly fun, and I left in plenty of time to make it to work on time. I have been catching up on podcasts, mostly, but also emails, requests, and the like. I didn’t go running, because it was still quite cold, the ground was wet from all of the freezing rain that came through last night, and I didn’t want to endanger myself where I might slip or get too cold while running. I&nb

sp;think I will try to perhaps ride the exercise bike at home, since I would like to stay in some shape, but I also want to not take risks that I don’t need to. If I do end up running tomorrow, I think I will try my best to run fast, in order to work at that, since I won’t be running every day this week. I think it might be important to try to mix things up a bit, rather than just get stuck in a rut.

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January 6, 2014

wow sounds busy.