
Yesterday, I got back to work. I had a bunch of stuff waiting for me, so I had plenty to do at work. I also had loads of emails and podcasts to catch up on, so all of my down time was filled, as well. I got in early, but since nobody was here, I had to stay late and pick up some credit time, anyway, which is good. I made good time coming home, and started a new audiobook, though I didn’t finish all of my podcasts. Perhaps I will today. I also managed to finally finish the Song of Ice and Fire collection, almost a year later, and am glad to be done with it. I still need to pick a new book to read, and I think I will try to pick something a bit more positive for now. I guess I’ll figure that out some time today, since I’ll be starting it at lunch. I went running yesterday, which made me feel a bit better, since it has been about 5 days since I had gone running. I managed just fine, though I started out running slowly and stuck with it. In the evening, Jim was getting ready to go back to New Jersey, so we helped him unload his truck, and he fixed our garage doors, and then we helped him get packed up. We had chicken nuggets, rice a roni, and broccoli for dinner, and tried to watch SHIELD on hulu (which never seems to work), and then watched Chuck on Netflix, instead. Megan read the manual for the Roomba she had gotten me for Yule, and set it up to charge last night. I appreciated that she took the effort to set it up, because while it was my present, setting it up wasn’t appealing to me. I hope she understood that, and not that I was just disinterested in the present. Anyhow, afterwards, I took out the trash and we went to bed… a bit too late, but at least today is Friday, so we can sleep in tomorrow.

This morning, I was very tired, but dragged myself out of bed eventually. I had hoped to meditate with the lingam, but that didn’t happen… because I needed a shower, and Megan was setting up the roomba, so we just got ready and headed out, otherwise. We left late, but luckily, the traffic was light, so I made it to work on time. I will need gas this evening, but hopefully, it will be light again, so I should make it home just fine afterwards. I have some gifts to try to set up. Megan got me an AeroGarden, and I would like to start growing some fresh herbs, because that would be a lot of fun for me to have around. We should also probably clean up some, both so the roomba can get around, and because we have some people coming to visit on the 3rd (my mom and my uncle). I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt and Ryan were coming over for New Year’s, either. I defrosted some chicken, but it probably won’t be ready tonight. Jim mentioned some sales at the mall. I’m not sure if we will go shopping this evening or not. I guess we’ll just have to see how we feel. I noticed that we had a lot of stuffing, and I’m eager to eat some of that, so maybe I could pick up a prepared turkey breast this evening to have that with (and maybe some mashed potatoes and green beans. That sounds good. We also need a few other things from the store (like a sponge… Jim threw our sponge away because he said it was gross, but didn’t bother to look to see if there was another one… this is a recurring theme with Megan’s family). Anyhow, otherwise, I guess we don’t have anything planned for this weekend… and that’s nice. I enjoyed not going to work, but I also could use some time where we don’t socialize with people for a little while.

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