Change of Plans

Last night didn’t really go as planned, but that’s okay.

My run yesterday was really quite hard. I’m not sure if it was the extra days off or all the extra eating along the way, but I thought about giving up a few times, but pressed on, and made it through. At the end of the day, though, I had a tremendous headache, and it felt like I had a fever… and was quite tired. Not a great combination for needing to drive home, but I took my time and made it home just fine. Megan was already there, and was looking at something on her phone. We had a plan for dinner, but I was exhausted, and not particularly interested in making tacos. I suggested leftovers and an early bedtime, but she had other ideas. She had wanted a burger on Sunday, but we hadn’t gone to get one, so she suggested getting them last night, and she had a coupon for AC Moore, which she wanted to use. I said it would be fine, but she took a while looking at things on her phone, so I took some medicine and laid down on the couch opposite her, and promptly nodded off. I just had little idle dreams and slept for a couple of minutes, and got up when Megan asked me something. She had thought to go to Five Guys, but since it was Monday, I had assumed she wanted to get the burger special at the Irish pub. I told her either one was fine with me, and we went to the Irish pub. She likes the burgers more there, and the fries more at Five Guy’s. Anyhow, we got dinner, which helped my headache quite a lot, and then we went to AC Moore. We mostly got some yarn for Megan, but I got a pair of cheap gloves for running, and we got a present for one of our nieces, so it was fairly good. We came home after that, and Megan tried making one of the rubber band things that are all the rage with the kids these days, since the girls had left one of the looms behind. She made me a pseudo-chainmail bracelet, which was nice of her, and I went through some Amazon deals I had wanted to look at a second time before buying, and then got pinned to the couch by Shadow… who snuggled up with my arm and then went to sleep. I went through my email and paid a bill or two with my left hand, and when Megan finally came out, Shadow went to see her, and we got ready for bed.

We set the alarm for the same early time we have been waking up, since Megan’s friend who lives in Singapore is coming through our neck of the woods today, so we are having dinner with her tonight, and Megan wanted to get to work early so she could meet her. Unfortunately, the alarm mysteriously didn’t go off, and I only noticed at 6:30 instead of 5:45. We got up and got ready in about half an hour, and I made it to work just fine. Megan got there late, so I’m not sure if she is going to take a small amount of credit time or if she is going to have her friend just wait a couple of minutes, instead. She sent me a job listing that is very close to home, but for which I don’t really qualify. I’m of the opinion that I ought to just not bother, but I think she wants me to apply, anyway, just in case, but it’s an awful lot of effort to do so. Anyhow, I went for my run today, but forgot to change my shoes, which was unfortunate. Again, I still finished running, but I now have some blistery feet. I don’t think they are that bad, but running shoes do make a world of difference. We have just about finished the Thanksgiving leftovers, which is nice, and I have been keeping up at work, even if I am growing more and more disillusioned of what my job actually entails. Anyhow, I’m getting through it, and managed to think of stuff to get for Megan for Yule. Then I can start considering what to get for other people, too. Hopefully, I’ll get it all sorted out soon.

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