
Megan and I have been doing what we can to prepare for Thanksgiving, since there will be a lot of people coming. Megan went shopping at Costco for the bulk of the food last night, and that gave me the chance to run some laundry and then play my game for a little while, which I greatly appreciated. When she got home, I saved and quit, and helped to bring everything in. Then we made a quick dinner of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese, and I took out the compost and did the dishes, and loaded a second load of laundry. By then, the food was ready, and we ate and watched a bit more Chuck. I talked to my mom and sister yesterday about their plans, so we have a better idea of when people are coming, and various preferences. We also made a shopping list for non-Costco purchases, so I’ll be trying to pick those up tonight, while Megan is going to be picking up some craft supplies for the nieces, in particular. I wanted to pick up Diablo 3 to play with my nephew, since he really likes video games, and that’s a new one that’s cooperative, but I couldn’t find my gift certificate when I looked for it the other day. Perhaps I’ll try again tonight… since I think that would be something he would enjoy.

Anyhow, we mostly just watched some TV last night, apart from getting things together, and tried to go to bed early, since Megan wanted to get up earlier than she had yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep well, so when the alarm went off, we took a little while getting up. Megan did, at least, get out around her normal time, and I had a bit of time to play Skyrim, which I liked, but my XBox kept crashing. I think tonight, I might try to install the game to my hard drive again, which might involve moving some things around and deleting some things. I didn’t get terribly far as a consequence, but at least the last crash prompted me to leave at a reasonable time, since it was time, and I would have needed to restart, anyway.

I made it to work on time, which was good, and I should be able to relax a little bit, which will be good, and I won’t be falling behind as a consequence. My podcasts are light this week, as well, though I have picked up a new Chinese history podcast, so that might keep me busy, and dovetail nicely into the book I am reading about the history of American Chinese food. I guess I should try to start figuring out gifts for people fairly soon. Other than that, I guess things are just going fairly normally…

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