I accept the challege..
Four Jobs I’ve Had: (aside from the one I currently hold)
1. History teacher (it’s different from computers, no?)
2. Tree hole digger
3. Mover
4. Fake leaf maker in natural history museum (college job)
Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
1. Life of Brian
2. Forrest Gump
3. Borat
4. Toy Story
Four Places I’ve Lived:
1. Slightly East Kendall, Florida
2. Slightly West Kendall, Florida
3. Slightly Northwest Kendall, Florida
4. Gainesville, Florida
Four T.V. Shows I Love:
1. The Office
2. The Simpsons
3. Colbert Report
4. 60 Minutes
Four Highly Regarded Television Shows I’ve Never Watched A Single Minute Of:
1. Deal or No Deal
2. Desperate Housewives
3. The Superman show people talk about where he’s a teenager?
4. Charmed
Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
1. Paris, France
2. Chicago, IL
3. Bahamas
4. Athens, Greece
Four Of My Favorite Dishes:
1. Pancakes
2. Waffles
3. Carrot juice
4. Pizza
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
4. BLOGGER.COM – Sorry OD. I still feel most like myself when I write here. Blogger is very corporate. But I’m trying to create the next generation of capitalists, remember?
Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now:
1. Pretty content right here in Miami at night in March. Really beautiful, but Rome,
2. Idaho
3. Galapagos Islands
4. Fiji
Four People I’m Tagging To Do This Next:
My OD connections are less than I care to admit now. Everyone who reads this is tagged. But that’s still less than four, so go figure.
you’re still ODing?? I’m now an LJer but came back here since feeling a little home sick (or maybe better put site sick?)…anywho, there’s more people still around then I thought. Take care and I may try this. Adieu!
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