One more time….
I wanted to squeeze in one more entry for 2005. I think one of my biggest resolutions for 2006 will be to get back to updating this more often, and actually staying on top of my reading
So anyway….Christmas kinda sucked. We spent the time with Travis’s family, and things didn’t go very well. His mom made lasagna, and even though most of us were starving, we had to wait for his Aunt Barb to come over with her damn dog. For whatever reason, this dog needs to go with her almost everywhere now, so she had to bring it to dinner. She was 20 minutes late, but no, we had to wait for her. I am just so sick and tired of these people treating pets better than human beings. I mean, my own mother in law will stand up for her lousy dog over me. That’s just hurtful. But the waiting with the meal thingy, that was just rude. By the time we ate, the lasagna was cold and goopy and it just sat like a rock in my stomach. Yuck.
Then, Christmas Day, Travis’s sister Danita was being bitchy…What happened was that our nephew Haden was lying on the couch and taking up all the space, so when Travis went to move him, they started horsing around. Haden bopped Travis on the nose, and when he corrected him, Danita said that if we were going to yell at the kids (which we were not doing), we could leave. So Travis, already not in the best of moods, stormed out and spent the morning in the car. I tried to stand up for him to his sister, and all she could say was that since we were adults, we had to take responsibilities for the kids acting up. Granted, Haden is usually the good kid, and he didn’t hit Travis on purpose (I think, I didn’t see it), but the kids can do no wrong. Braden is seven and spoiled as shit, and I get really tired of the way he acts and the way his mom and grandmom kiss his ass.
Anyway, I stayed inside so as to not make a bad situation worse…They are already rude to me enough, so I didn’t want to make it worse on myself. And the glut of crap was disgusting to watch. It had long been said that Braden would not be getting anything because he had been in trouble at school – including a suspension – but nooo, the crap just kept coming and coming. A seven and a ten year old do not EACH need a computer, AND EACH a Nintendo DS, PLUS tons of more crap. It gets to the point where they’re “whatever” about the presents and just start with the, “okay, i need something to open!” And Danita gets a bunch of crap from her mom too, where Travis doesn’t get nearly anything equal. Our big present for us from his parents was a laptop – which in itself was very nice, mind you – but if they want to preach equality for Travis and Danita, it’s far from it, because her kids got all that stuff, plus she easily had a dozen or so more things from her mother that added up to quite a bit more than what we got. Equality is bullshit. It’s the same for the inlaw kids, Brian gets a ton of things, and I always get the least. I know I’m the newest in the family, but if they go and preach equality, practice what you fucking preach.
Aside from the laptop Travis and I got a few other things, like some gift cards to buy clothes – $50 a piece, which Danita & Brian also got – a case & rechargable batteries for our digital camera, case for our laptop (a cheapie one at that), simpsons season 7, bed linens, a pair of earrings for me, and I think that was it. Danita & Brian gave us a $30 gift card, to share, while we had thoughtful gifts for both of them worth more than that (including a bracelet I hand made for her with a sister charm. And I had hand made one for his mom too. that’ll teach me), never midn they make a lot more than we do. in fact, she makes more than us combined… i don’t think i will be wasting my time with thoughtful gifts anymore.
My best present came from Travis, a new palm pilot that I needed for my new job. And the best present I gave him was a rare-style Miami Hurricanes baseball jersey that he had been wanting. Once the gift exchange part was done, I just gathered our stuff and we left, back to his old house to finish our laundry and then back hoe. We haven’t spoken to any of them since. In fact, his mother let a crock pot of meatballs that she had on for lunch that day burn, just so she didn’t have to run into us.
It’s painful that they treat us this way, and I know it has really hurt Travis. I’m not sure how we’re going to handle this, because it’s just been ugly. I think the not talking is just delaying the inevitable blowout; it’s not like all this is going to be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Enough about the holiday. Aside from that, I’ve been swamped by work at my new job. It’s been stressful, but good for the most part. The worst is that my boss is still driving me crazy with the way he talks and the way he treats me like I’m slow (the other day he was trying to show me how to use a fucking PAPER CLIP, i kid you not), but hopefully I can show him that he needs to leave me alone so I can work. A quick five minute meeting in his office yesterday turned into an hour and thirty-five minutes; how is that supposed to allow me to be productive?!? Just wait until he complains that I am not meeting deadlines. It’s because you are anal retentive and micro managing me!! In general he’s a nice guy, aside from the way he works. Work is his whole life, and I’m afraid he wants me to make a similar committment. Uh, no. I get paid hourly, and no overtime, so come 5 o’clock, it’s “Viva la Miller” and time to head out and not let the door hit me in the ass on the way out. I’m always busy and I feel like my blood pressure is always on the rise. That’s definitely not good.
Oh, and I had told my boss I am Latina, so now he’s always making these comments that are borderline offensive. It’s like, “well so and so speaks Spanish, so you need to meet them.” Uh, you wouldn’t say to an African American, “so and so is black, you need to meet them!” That’s a pretty mild example, but he’s had some other pretty insensitive comments that I can’t recall at the moment. I’m gonna have to call him on it, but I have to wait for when he makes one when I’m not in a mood, or I will go off. And I don’t need to be fired.
I like how it takes a new job with new crap to really make me appreciate the last one. If the AP job had paid the money we deserve, I feel now like I could have stayed there. Talk about the grass not being greener on the other side.
No comments about the Miami Hurricanes’ performance in the Peach Bowl last night, except that I am disgusted, insulted, and hurt. I wish I could erase it from my mind.
Hopefully I can do it tonight, as we have a New Year’s Eve party tonight. So everyone be safe and have a Happy New Year – may 2006 be better to all of us!!
It is wonderful to be starting a new year with you my love!
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