Today was stressful. very busy at work. i just wanted to get it all done and there was no way. it has been slow for me.
there is a guy there who has been letting our factory run out of ingredeints and he WILL NOT allow anyone to help him order. it is so frustrating. he is kind of a know-it-all so it is hard for me to understand. he even went to the point of asking the production crew to slow down so it didn’t make him look so bad.
so hub, who is in charge of him, asked me to take a look at it. so I did and we ordered 3 or 4 loads of raw materials in addition to what the guy had ordered. I left him a note saying we ordered such and such and for him to put it in his access program which he has been setting up to help him order. i don’t understand his system, but I took what we needed, what we had on hand, and how much room we had to receive it in. and we ordered. we have several orders that are over a week overdue and it is because of missing ingredients. they have gotten to the point where they fill the orders they have ingredients for rather than the orders that are the oldest or priority orders. i thought it sounded like the tail wagging the dog. we have some very irate customers. and the way they have allowed some other departments to devolve (opposite of evolve if that is a word!) you can’t substitute one guys order for another to fill the priority loads.
i was so angry because a guy boldface lied to a meeting of head haunchos we had yesterday. (i found out i am now a head hauncho) we have trouble managing floor inventory of finished product, so our whiniest customer has more than a load of inventory on the floor. but when he orders a new order, we make him wait and the inventory sits on the floor. i asked at the meeting if we took the old product and rotated it. he said, oh yes, and we put the new product in its place. unfortunately for that guy (and fortunately for me) i have the production dates and the ones on the floor are 10 days older than the ones we shipped out this week. i have paperwork that proves it. the paperwork is a whole other issue. they do the paperwork up in advance, so no matter what they put on the truck, the paperwork reflects what they are supposed to put on the truck. what’s the point? the paperwork is to tell us what actually goes on the truck, not what is supposed to go on. it is SOOOO frustrating. And then we have a sales rep who orders stuff special. we wonder if he orders it that way just to see how much trouble he can cause us. and if it is the least bit different than what he special orders, he has a fit refuses to take shipment, and then complains that he can’t get his product fast enough. why the president of the company allows all this is beyond me. and they let ppl change their orders up to the bitter end. they say, well it takes so long to get it they have to change it now. I say no. my rule was when i ran the floor 3 yrs ago that if they changed an order it started all over and it would then be 7 days from the change til they got delivery. they didn’t like me. but it was fair to those who patiently waited instead of the ones getting preferential treatment who make things so difficult for us. right now, the ones who make an easy order for us wait the longest and the whiny-bears get theirs first. gimme a break. i hate it.
i came home from work wanting to take a nice relaxing walk. well, hub went out of town to a game. son has no desire to walk with his mom. he distracted me long enough that it is dark out now and then he left. i had all these things I wanted to do, and now i don’t feel like doing them. it always seems that way. before i get home i have big plans. after i get home, nada. don’t wanna. sigh. lazy.
faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
Yikes, I hate mess ups at work. RYN: He was fine, I’m insane. I think he went to get away from me for a while, I’m overly protective because I love him. I cannot seem to get this in it’s proper perspective. Is there a proper perspective when your soulmate has a heart attack?
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HOpe your weekend is less stressful. My prayers are with you.
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