Class induces thought….and challenges

So i’m in my Juvenile Dilenquency class, and somewhere during the lecture we start talkin about chemical imbalances and sciences role in influencing behavior.  Well not that this has anything to do with Juvenile Dilenquency But…according to Dr. Sopolsky (Stanford Neurologist) all supernatural occurences can be induced in a lab…type setting…simply by creating a chemical imbalance in one’s brain…depending on your background will give you…your varied responses…

For instance, a test subject brought up in a religious household would report super-natural occurences of "God" and "God" was the only explanation.  Others who were not brought up in Christian households would either relate the occurences to aliens, voodoo, or some other supernatural possibility. Now I said all that to pose this question…without that part of our brain and without that chemical….would our religious beliefs be the same as they are today? Would we have any at all?

I started talking to my room-mate about it and he made an interesting point.  "Just because they went to school longer than you doesn’t mean they are right".  I guess the only way for me to get true answers would be for me to conduct the same tests and do the research myself….only problem…is i haven’t the first clue about brain neurology…and 2nd….Dr. Sopolskys proposals seem so. . . .logical.  It just kinda sucks to think that thousands upon thousands of people are responding only to direct brain impulses that have been cheaply…recreated in science labs…and not something more….

Maybe my foundation isn’t strong enough to try and stand up to "science" yet.  Every logical explanation i hear i immediately accept it as fact, if it from a credible source (anybody with a PhD). I’ve been strugglin with this for about a year now…"i’m lookin for answers in all the wrong places" would be the response from the conservative side of the coin. 

I always feel guilty for questioning my faith….like i’m a lesser person than the next….but are we really suppose to just sit back and accept everything as fact? Guess that really is what faith is eh….i dunno…i’m just kinda blabbing now…without any consistency in my throughts….take this entry as something to think about…

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February 14, 2006

I don’t think you should consider yourself any lesser than anyone else, not at all…We all have questions at times…i like what your roommate said, it’s very true. I read somewhere,”just b/c there are counterfeit bills doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as real money”…Many religious people came to their belief w/out any religious background at all…i’d encourage the research…but..

February 14, 2006

you don’t want to waste your time either…just remember to decide for yourself what you believe to be true and what’s counterfiet… is our choice anyway, right??

February 23, 2006

i’m starting to read Case for a Creator right now…Lee Strobel (sp?) know he once was an atheist..he was a journalist..and it’s his story about his investigation of God and science…ya, i got about 4 books going right now..jumping from each one when i have time…anywho…maybe you’d want to check it out..over the summer or something..kk…lata