I start the Sheriff’s Academy Monday

Yes ladies and gents…i’m goin off to buy my Ruger 40. soon as my grandparents get her wit some doe.  Glad they pulled through for me in the clutch. My roommates dad is gonna hook me up with a (rig)…that’s your belt and everything in it…for all you folks that don’t know.  Goin to my senior seminar class cya

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January 19, 2006

That sounds cool. My mom has a ruger, haha. Well hope it all works for ya!

January 19, 2006

Wow… You’re really growing up, aren’t you? This entry, although short, kind of emphasizes that. By the time I come home in August it will have been 2 years since we’ve seen each other. Two years… I think you’ll have changed physically more than me. Mentally, I think we’re both growing a lot… You’re growing in book smarts, I’m growing in experiences.

January 19, 2006

lol..guess you’re not having any experiences. i dunno about that book smarts thing though 😉 And you look pretty much the same..just “rounder” 😀 I’m so proud of you! Glad it has all worked out so far 🙂 Just remember to stay focused

January 19, 2006

well thanx alot for the confidence booster

January 20, 2006

lol…ur too sensitive

January 21, 2006

They’re giving you a gun? Is this legal? What has the world come to? *lol* You know I’m just yankin ya! 🙂 Bad choice of words again. I always do that…? Anyway, glad you are persuing yours dreams. Be careful out there!

January 25, 2006

Why does she comment on my notes? My notes are to you. Not her. This is a fairly common occurrence…

January 26, 2006

how do you get it to underline like that? or use italics..i’ve never seen how you could do that with notes…