Feeling alittle discouraged

Last night the pastor spoke of the fruit of the spirit…joy, happiness, love, longsuffering, etc. etc….and he also went on a small tangent on how a sour hearted Christian never amounted to much…. this is where the lesson applys….

Today i’m at work jammin to my little mp3 player do-dad….and my boss comes up to me tellin me about if she sees me with she’s going to be forced to "terminate" me…at first response…is the usual…anger…then "I don’t need this job" type feelings…then i thought about the lesson from the night before…and i was instantly torn…between how i wanted to behave…and how i should behave….fighting your first impulse is tough…i pray that my heart and mind be shaped the way they should….that i’d not be a stumbling block for others….although judging by my actions…i’m pretty sure nobody there knows i’m a Christian….or atleast by my definition anyway….


On to addressing the study.  All of the entrys i’ve posted have not been my own original thought. But, i support them otherwise i would not post them, as i’ve read,  they’ve become apart of my "theology" and in essence apart of who i am. Learning is a tool, i simply try to pass on the knowledge that has helped me grow to others, through these entrys. If you have questions please direct them at the entry and i will address them. Otherwise i won’t waste my time or yours for that matter. Thank you.


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RYN: Hey, thanks for the note! Its been a while since I’ve seen you too. I miss hanging out and stuff! What I said about having my friends now forever, I didn’t mean we’d be best friends forever. I meant that we would keep in touch more than the friends I had in high school ‘cuz we seem to be closer than I was w/everyone else. Anyway, I’m moving into the CSO house. We’ll talk later about this, K?

June 21, 2005

RYN: Yeah, but he agreed with me when he tried it. He said it wasn’t edible..or even digestible for that matter. So he took me to Peking! 🙂 LoL.

June 21, 2005

Ouch Terry, you don’t have to be mean about it… Sometimes you act like you like me, others you act like you don’t want anything to do with me. I’m not playing the “When’s Terry gonna make up his mind?” game anymore — I played that for too long once already. Let me know when you’re done being upset with me.