Lesson in life?

I’ll never forget  the 3 doors down concert, and the example portayed before me. It inspired this thought.

I watched an older man stumble amongst the crowd. With his beer held high, he felt assured that he’d be accepted. As he looks around he notices no one is paying attention to his drunken stupor. Desperate to fit in with the crowd, he takes another gulp, raises his glass high, and stumbles on.

Are we really this desperate for acceptance? Sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, what’s the point? Cheap thrills don’t go far.

I was looking at the head of a penny today and i couldn’t help but notice the “liberty” and “in God we trust”, so i shuffled tyhrouth the stuff on my desk and found that it’s also on the head of all of our coin currency.  Why did our forefathers put “in God we trust”. I’ve never given money to God “cheerfully”. I’ve always thought of the new computer i could be saving for or maybe a cool restored classic car. Granted those thoughts aren’t rational and i usually end up wasting the money at Burger King.

With all this being said, what’s the point? Maybe i’m just stumbling around looking for a greater purpose. To have meaning in my life and to be remembered for something. Instead of your regular joe blow that wanders aimlessly.

feel free to post anonymously what your plans are for your life? Or what would you like to do with your life…i’m curious

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May 1, 2005

Like you, I dont want to be just another face in the crowd, but at the same time, I don’t make plans for my future because my plans never work out how I want them to. They usually fall through and I feel like a failure, so I stopped making plans a long time ago. I believe you should just enjoy life to the fullest and thank God for what he has already blessed you with and accept it.

May 1, 2005

It’s not what I did to piss off my commander… It’s what I did to piss off my gunny at my detachment. But whatever, I’m leaving this retarded place and going to work at an all-Marine shop. Maybe I’ll re-learn how to like the Marine Corps when I’m not around a bunch of brain-washed broadcasters who’ve worked with the Air Force their entire career.

May 3, 2005

I want to love and be loved…i want a family. I don’t want to ever forget the small things. I don’t want to ever be too OLD to play in the rain. I want to make a difference in atleast one persons life.

May 3, 2005

hmm, maybe one reason they put “in God we trust” on all our currency is b/c that is what our country was built on…and in a way, putting that on all the money is a reminder that money isn’t everything…we trust in God, not money…funny, that same money that says “in God we trust” buys so much trash..drugs, sex, even lives…hmm, just a thought…

May 3, 2005

well..u can’t really buy a life…but you know what i mean..?

I don’t think any of the great people who are remembered were concerned at the moment about being remembered…I believe the more selfless you become and the more you put forth to reaching out to other people, the more you are recognized and appreciated…keeping a good attitude and having standards…aspiring past the average joe who only thinks about what he wants…

but yeah..i don’t think you’ll find meaning in your life by seeking rememberance…God has blessed you with so much…use it for the best. I suppose that’s what i desire for myself…only time will tell..

one more thing…it also makes a difference who ur looking to be remembered by…and for what..hmm…*too many deep thoughts*…i’m out.

May 4, 2005

What I did is a long story, and would work out better over the phone, so I guess you’ll just have to wonder :Þ I’m fine from the wreck. Nothing’s broken, bruises are fading fine, no muscle soreness anymore. Nose is almost better, just a little tender to the touch. Have a tiny tiny scar on my right temple, but other than that you can’t even tell I was in an accident. And my bangs cover that anyway.

May 11, 2005

hey babe, i was more or less joking on my entry…if you want to borrow it, please do…I mean, all it’s going to be doing this summer is collecting dust if you don’t use it…so it’s w.e. Just let me know..but if you do borrow it, u won’t get it till that last day you see me 🙂

May 11, 2005

ur so silly 🙂

The social norm is sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. That’s what our culture perceives as “fun.” Didn’t you know that? As long as our society screams for less to be worn and more to drink, the media will continue to over abundantly fan those flames for us, and the temporary happiness will seem to keep level. You’re smart in wanting a greater purpose, I wish you the best in search of that.