very eventful weekend

Well, where do i start? I guess from the beginning sounds reasonable eh? Okay as most of you know i play for NSU’s Ultimate frisbee team…Well, we had a tournament in Little Rock, Arkansas….and well, it was “very eventful”.

Nick and i leave Nack headed for arkansas around 11:30 pm cause i had to work at wal-mart…we didn’t get to little rock until some time around 4 am… loooonng drive….we saw lots of deer though…our games started at 9:30 am saturday morning…needless to say we were tired….there were 13 of us split up into 2 rooms…i got stuck with the pot head room….i woke up saturday to the smell of strong weed…..wasn’t the best way to start my day…we get to the tournament and we notice that, (hey these guys are organized and they actually have plays they run), we just kinda run around and hope our talent will outdue organization….ya that didn’t work out we lost our first 4 games saturday to Hendrix, OSU, SLU, Memphis.  Memphis had to be the craziest group of guys i’ve ever seen, next to our guys that is.  Half of their team was smoking on the field while they were running around.  Anyway, that night there’s a free party for all the participants at a small sports bar…i went as the DD (designated driver).  Played pool most of the night and scored cool points for my NSU crew sweater…(the coach also plays on our ultimate team) met a few people from tulane and a few others from LSU….well as the night progresses our fearless team leader….much under the influence of liquid encouragement makes a bet with the entire tulane squad boys/girls that we’re gonna come out tomorrow and play all our games in our underwear or boxers…we’re all about unity and all of our guys were “bout it” so on our second game sunday we strip down to our boxers and lo and behold one of our guys brought a slip and slide….on every point we took a slide…and tried to get the area surrounding teams to do the same….including the ones that were playing other games….to send a rep. from their team to come slide when they score….take in mind it was 45 C on saturday….sunday was about 60 so it wasn’t entirely bad…the guys poured Vegetable oil, Shampoo, and conditioner on our makeshift slide…needless to say the vegetable oil got nasty real quick….we got alot of whistles from sporting our boxers….sad to say they were all from guys…we won 2 games the whole tournament …one forfeit which we still count as a W, and the game we sported boxers…guess we psyched’em out…we ended up losing to OU in the end….overall it was a good weekend…i think i broke my pinky it’s swole

I’ve never smelt more weed in my life….it was on the field…and even when we were getting gas to leave some guy across from us on the other pump starts to light up….and there comes that horrible smell again….my perception on arkansas has changed….

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February 20, 2005

I like it… check out this site please so i can get more points

February 20, 2005

natchitoches… as in louisiana?

February 20, 2005

lol…oh ya, that’s great! we played in our bras and panties when we went down to the flag football tourney in NO..oh wait..j/k..heh…glad you had fun, even though you got beat up pretty bad 🙂

February 20, 2005

ryn: yes, i lived on kaua’i for several years. 🙂 and yes… it is a very different pacific down there than it is up here in california…

February 21, 2005

ryn: actually, i know several silly things about natchitoches.. haha. Steel Magnolias was filmed there, they have a lights festival every holiday season, their gumbo is excellent, as are the funnel cakes… rowers from up north come to the Cane River Lake to train in the winter, and there is usually a booth where one can have a photo taken with baby alligators by the water. (cont)

February 21, 2005

… an interesting little town to say the least. 😉

February 21, 2005

ryn: oh! and the photo is up north on Kauai, near Hanalei 🙂

February 21, 2005

lol thats great about the boxers and slipping slide. way to represent natchitoches lol. gla u had fun and hope ur pinky is ok. and mel is looking for ya

February 21, 2005

come talk to me or call me whenever u need anything. luv ya Jess

Wow that’s great.. wat a stud.. I wish I Could play games like that