to kill brent or not to kill him

So hey, who hasn’t noticed this has been the worst year of marching at NSU ever…but other than that i learn today that i got my scholarship yanked for this semester and next semester…at the end of the year….i get a FreakiN F in band! and i got kicked from pep band…which was the only aspect of band i was lookin forward to the whole year…because last year they got to take a trip and i didn’t get to go…

that was the middle of my day….

this morning…missed my english and math review for my final that’s coming up friday…and i’ve got added stress because this is the last week me and mel are going to see each other consistently…

so anyway, after i heard the news about band straight from smiling brent himself…i went straight to the pres. office to start working on my appeal…of course…he wasn’t there…his secretary tells me she will make me an appointment in the morning…so, me not thinking…says sure i’ll be here…and here i am now working till 7 am and suppose to meet the pres. of the university in the morning! eek…his schedule is booked up all day…and if i get an F in band…i lose my job, i lose my TOPS, and will Forfeit band scholarship…which needless to say i’m through with band after this semester…just been one of those weeks…

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December 9, 2004

wow that sucks. i’m sorry. did u get to talk to the president? how did it go?

Why did he yank your scholarship? Thats kinda stupid to do that at the end of a semester. Well anyway…I’m sure everything will be fine and I’ll be praying for ya. Sorry to hear things have been kinda crappy. ~Lindsey

December 9, 2004

I really hate it for ya babe…I wish there was something I could do to make it all go away…but all i can do is just be here for ya 🙂 hopefully you’re right in telling me there is a possibility for you to still squeak by…and if you get a shot at next semester…please study…love ya!

December 10, 2004

Well now I’m definitely not going to make you pay for the computer 😛 Okay, sorry, maybe it’s not the right time to joke. Or maybe it is — that’s how you always made me feel better when I felt like dirt! Alright, so a priest, a rabbi, and an athiest walk into a bar… And…uhmmmm…. Okay I got nothin’. Tell me if there’s ANY WAY I can help. ANY way. I’m still here for ya, Sock. You know that.