copy paste?

 haha okay guys here’s my weekend but i didn’t feel like typing it all out…then went to mels diary an whoa here itis…so…i’d like to add a bit to it…i loved running through the fountain thingies….was really  cool!! especially the fountains that changed colors…yes i’m easily ammused leave me alone



There’s really nothing better to do.  I’m sitting in this computer lab for another hour.  My weekend was pretty fun!  Friday night was grrrreat!  Terry and I drove up to Shreveport.  Almost didn’t go because of the rainy weather, but it all turned out fine.  Ate at Posados, a mexican restaurant.  It was yummy!  Terry got some kinda green looking sauce on his enchiladas..??…he ate it anyways, lol.  Luckily it wasn’t raining after we ate, so I took him on down to the riverfront, where there is a brand new park.  It’s really nice.  Lots of fountains and scenic views and such.  They have those fountains that come up out of the ground, and you can run through them, lol, that turned out to be an experience.  I really think he enjoyed it, though 🙂  Saturday was family day here at NSU.  Terry’s mom, grandma, and sister came up.  It was good to get to know them better.  My parents came up too, but they didn’t stay too long.  They took me out to eat though, and that was nice.  We ate at Trail Boss.  Goooood chicken strips!  Came back to campus and met up with terry and his folks.  They decided to come to Boogie on the Bricks, glad they did.  We ended up bringing some girl (who’s looking for a bf) and Scotty D.  Yeap, we took Scotty Dawson along.  It was all kind of an accident, but it turned out alright.  Haha, we all had fun.  Scotty was cutting a rug.  Sorry to say Captain Morgan was not there, but maybe next time 😉  Just kinda relaxed today.  Went and saw Resident Evil: Apocolypse.  It was alright, neat ending.  I’m pretty tired, think I’m gonna take a shower and play some tunes on the guitar, haven’t done that in a while.  So ironic, I played it all the time a year ago.  Anyways, everyone have a great week! 

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Lazy ass!! lol…anyway…glad you had fun this weekend. I’ll ttyl. ~Lindsey

September 27, 2004

You know that’s illegal…you owe me like $5000 now 😉 lol…Glad you had fun! Definately will have to go back 🙂

September 27, 2004

Re: I have a cable modem and it came with webspace for me to upload pictures to. That’s what I use.