Hero for a day

So i spent the day ministering to these kids at a homeless shelter…well it was more like low income housing their house consisted of one bedroom/kitchen/livingroom and a bathroom…not to sure if they had a bathroom i think there was a community one…well anyway the kids latched on to me…being the new guy and whatnot…it was a very challenging ministry…the kids had zero patience and zero attention span…well we were playing v-ball with the dodgeball and i decided to dig the ball as hard as i could….well it ended up landing in the top of a tree….so i made an instant transition from missionary to tarzan…haha…one of the kids gave me a skateboard to throw at the ball and i got it stuck up there too…i ended up shimmyin up the tree and coming down without a problem…haha…had to been there to see what i had to do to get up there….on to another subject

i had german food the other day…had lamb and veal…and somethin else…oh my it was the best food ever! was very good auntie gerry always takes me out to these fancy places to go eat…i guess if you’re a nurse you can afford to do that stuff….

i was thinking the other day about airports…they are packed with emotion everyday…haha not the airport themselves but the people there…from abundant joy….to frowning faces of children and families…i’m ready to go home….

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July 15, 2004

Just sitting here and reading this made me imagine you throwing a skateboard in a tree and managing to get it stuck and then “shimmying” up the tree to go fetch it. Good dog! Go fetch that ball in the tree! *lol* This entry made me laugh because I can just see you climbing up that tree like the lil’ lanky monkey that you are. I can’t wait til you get home and share all your stories with us.

July 15, 2004

I hate that I can’t talk to you either 🙁 Maybe you could call me sometime on my Mom’s cell phone because she never uses her mintues anyway and they always carry over into the next month. Just remind me next time you get online to give you that number. If you wanna talk to me that is :- Lata Gata…or shall I say Monkey Man!?! *lol*

July 15, 2004

that reminds me….i knew this really sad airport once…just kidding! german food huh! nifty! man it is always awesome to hear an update from the man of GOD and how he is doin! GOD BLESS YOU Be prayin for ya! out for now…jon

LOL…maybe you should put on a santa suit next time as well..then change to your fireman uniform when skateboards and such get stuck in the trees 🙂 yeah, kids are a blast.it’s a blessing working at the church’s nieghborhood day camp..except i had a sweaty, stinky one come sit in my lap after they played dodgeball..i called him a sweatball but he wouldn’t move! All the kids are great though…

July 15, 2004

lol..anyways..can’t wait till you get home sweet home! love you!

You should stay overnight in LA and go to the moon! Ha Ha Muah…..POOPER

July 15, 2004

thanks so much for your note! i didn’t actually mean the nation was solely founded on sep. of church and state. i think i typed that at 1 am and the monotonous phrase seemed to have found its way into my rant. as a history minor i should have known better! thanks for pointing out the mistake.

July 15, 2004

Hey there T-Boy! Man you sure haven’t been reading my entries. I’m staying here and my daddy is moving out. Michelle might move in with me later on. Don’t know about that yet but that’s the story. Talk to you later. Luv ya and God Bless!!!

July 16, 2004

Airports give me anxiety. I never know if I should feel sad about the place I’m leaving or happy about the place I’m going, since I can call several places “home” now. I tend to not leave my heart anywhere, so I guess home is wherever I take it — home is where the heart is and whatnot. “Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.” God bless.