Surfin USA

yep that’s my plans for the day…spend it at the beach! I’d like to bring my guitar out there and play but they got like a UV warning out today…so i got to put sunscreen on and i don’t want to get that icky stuff all over my guitar. So i’m just gonna bring the frisbee and see if i can find some v-ball players on the beach…Tonight is relay for life it’s starting at 5 this afternoon and ending at 5 the next morning…i think i’m gonna go chill over there for a while…it’s at the baseball/skatepark…which speaking of i brought my guitar over there to go play yesterday and finally connected with one of the skater guys…there a rough group of kids but he started off asking me about my guitar then went into telling me about how his dad sold his guitar and how ticked off at him he was for that….so we went to the little dug out where i always play and i let him jam for a while…oh geez the Bible study last night…i couldn’t get kamele(song in hawaiian) and hoku(star) off of me! Kamele every-time she sees me runs and jumps and clings to me like…hmm..i dunno but she raps her legs and my knees and just about knocks me over…she’s 8…and hoku…lol…you guys should see her when we have worship service at the church…first of all our music director plays hank williams style hymal songs…and hoku stands up right in front of the church…and begins dancing…she’s like 3….but she dances with no shame and like there’s no tomorrow…has the time of her life up there…i find myself laughing and unable to concentrate on the chords i’m suppose to be playing for the song…those kids are trip…well anyway i did my lesson last night on matt 5:13 i think that’s right…the verse where God is saying:

You are the salt of the earth, if the salt loses it’s flavor, how then will the earth be seasoned. For then it is better to be trampled underfoot by men

and basically broke the whole scripture down…for instance YOU in the text…who is God talking to? everybody? no…he’s talking to us…as Christians…and then it says THE…as in singular…we are the only salt of the earth there is no other salt besides us…what do we use salt for? seasoning right? well if we lost our flavor…which i assume it’s referring to faith…how then will the earth be reached for God…for THEN…which means after the salt loses flavor…IT referring to earth….is better to be TRAMPLED…to be ran over…underfoot by men…notice it doesn’t say trampled by elephants or rhino’s or anything that you would usually think would trample something…but by men…which are pretty low on the trampling category…

then i went on to the second verse which says how we are the light of the world and did the same thing….see God’s word is his love letter to us…examine it in that manner and it will show you things in scripture you’ve never seen before =) God Bless!

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July 10, 2004

i’m glad to see you’re diving into the Word…and finally having some fun over some sun today myself and a little color too..haha…well, guess you’re still peeved at me 🙂 I MISS YOU!!!!!

July 11, 2004

lol me becoming your chris glad you think so. lol but you know if i want to go bad enough i will be chris. bum. yeah i dont see the whole counsling thing working out either i just can’t see my dad listening to someone or telling them how he really feels or something, but thats what mom wants so i guess he is willing to try duno.

July 11, 2004

NO AC, and NO FM, an NO regretssssssssss…IN MY CHEVETTE!!!!!!!!! *ahem*..still waiting on those “pictures” 😛 hardy har har

ryn: okay, so the bible was written by people, but could they have had ANY idea as to what our lives would be like today? did they imagine that there would be “sins” portrayed in every day life in our own home (tv)? Don’t you think if there were someone to update the bible, a lot of things would be changed? i do. and your stance on homosexuality is just disturbing. relating it to a horrible…

thing like murder? i know you dont think of it the same way i do, i mean, they’re all just sins, right? but one thing leads to another. homosexuals lie to themselves, get married and lie to the opposite sex they’re married to, become depressed, and sometimes kill themselves. thats a sin that cant be forgiven, am i right? hell it is. either way, everyone is doing something wrong. and imagine the…

poor people they would marry! or you know, they could not get married at all, and die virgins. how would you like to die a virgin? i know i dont. i doubt ill even wait till marriage, and if i dont, when am i gonna take the time to apologize to something i dont even know is there? do you know its there? NO. you BELIEVE its there. knowing and believing are two EXTREMLY different things. you cant…

…know without scientific facts. miracles arent scientific facts. hey, i want proof of any sort of higher being too, but its not gonna happen. believing is just the same as proof to some people, but not to me. No one can make me believe that lying is right, as long as you dont sin. denying your sexuality is lying. there is proof that people cant help if they like girls or boys or both, and…

there is proof that people who are depressed kill themselves. did you ever read that article about the young gay mormon who killed himself? he had the support of his friends, his family, but in the end, not his religion, and just couldnt handle it anymore and gave up. now, abortion. alright, so women could give up their children, but what if they arent fit to be pregnant? the court cant…

punish every woman who drinks or smokes or does drugs during pregnancy. and then, you have a baby with so many problems its hard and expensive to keep it alive. its suffering every minute of every day. thats a lot worse sounding then not even having a brain and being “killed”, even though they arent really people yet. they cant think for themselves, they dont have any relationships yet.

July 11, 2004

I’ve been studying scripture a lot more lately. Current events, too. Been meaning to write a summary on what’s been going on in my world and in my mind, but things have been crazy lately. But you said you’d call me later, which is awesome. I can tell you why I love my job and my friends 🙂 Catch ya soon! God bless!

RYN:Yeah,but it’s quite difficult sometimes cos’ my mind will drift off without Him in my mind constantly.I tried to listen. How do you hear from God personlly?What is it like?

Anyway,I like you entry cos’ only thru thorough study of each word that we can understand what God has to say.And I believe revelations will be revealed to us.^_^