How we got our Bible (technical stuff) =)

How the Word of God came to Be Written

  Old Testament

  The authors of Hebrew Scriptures are not as identifiable as those of the New Testament.  The books arose in the midst of the law given by Mosesalmost entirely.  The remainder of the Old Testament is composed of the prophets and writings in the Hebrew canon, whereas the English Bible includes the following categories:  historical books, poetic books, and prophetic books.  These books include such authors as Samuel, David, Joshua, Solomon, and major prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and a number of lesser-known figures who wrote smaller books called the Minor Prophets.  Each of these authors presents hiws words as being the Word of God.

   New Testament

  The new testament was written by apostles of Jesus Christ and companions of the apostles.  Letters were written to individuals, churches, or larger groups of persons either to confirm the truth of Christianity, engender belief in Christ, correct problems in the local churches, or argue against error.  The book of Revelation also seeks to present God’s plans for the end of the age.

How the inspired Writings Were Passed Down

  Old Testament

  The Old Testament was wrtten between 1440 B.C. and approximately 400 B.C.  The Law of Moses was maintained in the Hebrew community by the priests of the temple.. Later books continued to be deposited with these leaders until the destruction of the temple and then found their way into the teachin community begun by Ezra and continued in the synagogues.  Trained scribes copied biblical texts by hand until the modern printing press came into use.  The copies of the Mosoretes of the ninth centry A.D. are very close to the recently discovered Dead Sea Scrolls, which orginated a thousand years earlier.

  New Testament

  The New Testament books were copied by local Christian communities and passed from one to the other for decades before an entire collection was made.  Since the early letters were written on papyrus, they wore out rapidly and requires regular copying.  In the early fourth century A.D., fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testament Greek Scriptures were made at the order of the first Christian emperor, Constantine.  It is likely that the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus codexes, two of the longest early manuscripts to survive, orginated from this order.

What is the Canon of Scripture?

  The word canon is a word used to identify the writings of the prophets, the apostles, and their companions, which are inspired by God and authoritative for truth pertaining to doctrine and life.  It means “rule” or “standard.”  A book is not inspired because it is declared to be canonical but is canonical because it is considered inspired.  Therefore, the church discovered the canonicity of the Old and New Testament books; it did not determine or cause their canonicity.

How the Canon Was Decided

  The books accepted by the Jewish community originated over a period of approximately one thousand years.  The first question regarding a writing’s acceptance was whether the book was written by a prophet of God.  Generally the book would have statements of “thus says the Lord,” or “the word of the Lord came.”  Second, miraculous signs or accuracy of fulfillment served as confirmation of a prophet’s message.  Third, the book had to be internally consistent with the revelation of God found in the teachings of other canonical books, espec ially what God gave through Moses.

  The first question for the church to answer about a book’s inclusion in the canon accepted by Christians was whether it came throuth the apostles of the Lord or through persons under the guidance of an apostle, such as Luke.  Second, the book had to come with the power of God and be effectivefor changing lives.  Third, it must have been generally accepted by the people of God.  This latter test refers first to the ones who received the book and next to the transmission in the church.  Determination of the New Testament canon took place over a period of years, reaching its final form at the Synod of Carthage in 397.

The Manuscripts of the Bible

  Old Testament

  Fragments of the Hebrew Scriptures number in the tens of thousands, the majority dating between the third century B.C. and the fourteenth century A.D. The greatest atestation to the Hebrew Old Testament (first 5 books of the Bible)  is the manuscripts found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which mostly date from the third century B.C. to the first century A.D.

   New Testament

  Manuscrips evidence for the New Testament is abundant.  There are more than five thousand existing copies, many with New Testament books entirely or largely intact.  Also there are several older translations of the New Testament into languages like Syriac, Coptic, and Latin that suvive in thousands of manuscripts.  No work of antiquity even approaches the New Testament for authenticity.

Reference: Nelson study Bible

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July 9, 2004

thanks for your note. I do not preach. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind, and have a heart to encourage.I share in His Spirit of love and truth. We are called as children of God to encourage one another in His Spirit – and grow together in the knowledge and fullness of Him. Those who are led by the Spirit – are to be as He – disciple, lead, and encourage the brothren in love.

July 9, 2004

Our Jesus is the same, yesterday, and today, we are to seek Him first – love in truth, and truth in love ((hugs))

July 9, 2004

wow. cool fade-in/out. RYN: I was not taught as you were, I guess. I was taught as Jesus said, that they shall know you by your actions/words/behavior. And, they often did. And do. 🙂 But thank you for visiting. And… kudos for getting it all in less than 9! Only 3. wow. Very good. *smile*

July 9, 2004

Thanks for stopping by my diary! I hope you will come back often and that something i write will put a smile in your heart or perhaps offer encouragement in something you may be going through. Isn’t it awesome to know that no matter what comes your way, God’s gotcha and will NEVER let you go–HE promised! Have a happy day! =)

July 10, 2004

i should give you something concerning this

July 10, 2004

Your entry takes a very fundamentalist or conservative approach to most of these topics and disagrees with scholarly consensus on several issues.

What about books that were cherished as holy and then later condemned as heresy, such as Enoch 1 and 2? Or how do you account for major discrepancies and outright contradictions between books? Just curious.

“The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father…” — Ezekiel 18:20 “I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation…” — Exodus 20:5

“… with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26 “…The LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” — Judges 1:19

Yes, I did merely cut and paste those, but the point stands that there are a great many contradictions in the bible, including who’s god is who. In the begining, Yaweh was the god of a sect of the Jews, then of all the Jews and noone else. Perfectly willing to call for the slaughter of tens of thousands of non-Jews because they weren’t his people. Then suddenly he’s EVERYBODY’S God!

Yes but people seem more than willing to jump right back to those old books on an issue such as homosexuality. Besides, isn’t the divine word divine? Why should it cater to us? He’s God. Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around? Plus I think you skirted the issue with who’s God he is/was. You’re neglecting that GOD TOLD THEM TO KILL NONBELIEVERS BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T HIS PEOPLE!

But now suddenly he’s everyone’s God? When did that shift happen? If he was everyone’s God, why would he call for the slaughter of his own? The law of the day doesn’t justify God’s “behavior”. Why should he be bound by the laws of man? I don’t remember laws of the day saying “kill freely anyone you disagree with about faith.”

i think fresh nazty has taken a lot of scripture out of context and should go back and study a little bit harder…God’s Word speaks for itself, it doesn’t need a translater who misinterperets

Yes, if someone points out the stupidity of your religion, they must be taking it out of context. It couldn’t possibly be that Christianity really is that dumb! You Jesus whores might as well believe in the tooth fairy while you’re at it.

The Bible tells us how the world will reject Jesus and refuse to believe God’s Word. You have just help prove how true it really is. Thank-you.