pastor made me feel like pooh…

i dont’ know if i can do this anymore…with one load of bricks i feel like the biggest loser and my battery is completely drained…he told me today in our “talk” that the church was praying for a special person…and not the average college kid…but the average college kid is what they got…and this stemed off of…one…me not eating vegetables…so therefore i’m not adapting to the culture and thereby offending people…two…i left some flyers at this parking lot and was ignorant that it we couldn’t leave them there…so the security guards had to take them down…he had me go over there today and apologize to those guys…which i didn’t mind so much…if he wouldn’t have said that i have no respect for authority…amongst alot of other things that brought me down…i mean if you’re gonna criticize tell me how to fix it….not that i just “suk” in a matter of words…on the other hand he said i was connecting well with the youth and that they all like me…i’m just a bad example….oh ya he fussed at me for not washing my dishes too…told me they were still laying in the sink…when half of’em were andy’s….i feel like a failure…and i don’t see myself adapting to this culture anytime soon…ack! we didn’t go snorkeling today…i lost my steam after the big talk…and i kinda just want to sit here and sulk…and figure out what to do next….i’ve lost my direction…blah

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June 16, 2004

are you really in hawaii? i used to live there, too.

June 16, 2004

sure it may rain, but it is so beautiful! I lived on Kaua’i.

June 17, 2004

Aww…Terry, I’m sorry that you are having/had a bad day…but don’t lose all hope just because of this one really bad day. Just try a lil’ harder (easier said than done, I know)…but maybe when the Pastor Dude see’s you trying your hardest to “fit in” with the culture, then maybe he will then start looking at you in a different light. Maybe he thought that you were losing your direction…

June 17, 2004

And by giving you “the talk” or the quick swift to the face, per-say, would help you realize that you need to grow up a lil bit and start trying to fit in better with these people…I dunno if that helped (it probably didn’t) but “as a mother” *lol* I know that when kids get outta line sometimes it’s a good thing to “set them right” with a talk and show them the right way. These kids probably…

June 17, 2004

look up to you, I’m sure, so setting the right example for them is the best way to help them learn the way of God and it makes you look more mature when you teach kids the right way to do things. And Terry, just try to adapt to their culture, even if that means eating your vegetables 😀 *lol* Before you know it, you’ll be back in LA, wishing you were back in Hawaii. That’s how it always goes…

June 17, 2004

Never satisfied….Just remember also that we are all here waiting upon your return home! I sure hope you get a phone soon…I miss hearing your stupid laugh! *lol* Peace out, Dizawg! :-p

June 17, 2004

† Radiate in Me †Awww *hugs* Im so sorry! DonÂ’t sulk man! YouÂ’re working for the Lord and doing great! HeÂ’s so incredibly proud of you! SooÂ…small incidents happen and people react with craziness but its all good! Endurance! Hold onto that. Re to Note:Michelle Palmer? Gosh that sounds sooo familiarÂ….hmmm. I donÂ’t go to LC but I hang out there a lot b/c…

June 17, 2004

† Radiate in Me †most of my friends go there. I donÂ’t think I know. Names Terry right? I only heard of one Terry & I met him waaaaay back in the day at a church camp in Pleasanthill. Anywho, ThatÂ’s cool you know Herndon! Stay Happy…dont let anything/one steal your joy! Lotsa love and God bless! ♥ Your sis in Christ,

Eleanor Roosevelt said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” God sent you there to learn something — and I know you already know how to wash dishes, so that can’t be it. Don’t let other PEOPLE get in the way of GOD’S plan. God… People… Who’s more important? Even if he IS a pastor, he’s still just a person. If his stern speeches get you down, just remember that…

June 17, 2004

…GOD sent you there. Not Delta Airlines, not Pastor Iwakikilukino, not anyone but HIM. This may be harder than last summer’s California mission, but everything happens for a reason. Let God show you what He wants from you. Don’t get down — you’ve got prayers from all over the place! Louisiana, Maryland and North Carolina for sure. And Hawaii, and who KNOWS where else!! Love ya, miss ya.

June 17, 2004

And P.S. — I HAVE FAITH IN YOU. Just don’t lose faith in yourself. You can do ANYTHING as long as you want to do it. And I know you do.

June 17, 2004

† Radiate in Me †Oh wow! Yeh I know Erin. Dated Carpenter right?! WeÂ’re not like pals or anything. I hung out w/ her about a yr. ago at my church. We ate tacos & drank vanillacoke. lol thats what I rememeber. That was right before she left. PLUS I work where shes insured. =) I luv that AA song!!! Too coolÂ…♥ In Christ,

June 17, 2004

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Romans 8:26-27… Listen to track one again 🙂 I love you

July 9, 2004

wow so i never so this entry till today. that sucks about your vegtables. or things better now? lol helpful hints about the vegtables: spread them all out (it will look like less), acidently spill them, find a dog and make it sit under the table, smash them (it makes it more fun to eat), have a big glass of water and dont chew just swallow make it go to the back of your throat so your taste buds

July 9, 2004

never get to taste it, umm . .hmm running out of ideas. lol used to know lots cause mom would make me eat mine. heard your new voice message . . sounds good. . lol listened to it twice.