someboby worth peanut butter

I had coffee with mama tonight and told her this story from today…

       I was at work having a quiet lunch in the break room when 4 of the "younger ones" came in and joined me. The "younger ones" are co workers in their twenties.(makes me feel old/*sigh*) A great bunch of girls whom I enjoy their company,even when I just listen to the drama of their young carefree lifestyles.

      today’s drama was from Jules who is struggling with the decision on whether or not to drive to Massachusetts this weekend to see an old friend from college.

     Jules went on and on about spending the money to drive down for just a weekend visit. The cost of gas,lodging,and their play money would mean as she put it,"I’ll be eating spagettiO’s for a week afterwards if I spend the extra money this weekend!"

   the other 3 put in their two cents on how they felt on her taking the trip….and that’s when I heard my own voice speaking.

                                               "just ask yourself if this person is worth peanut butter sandwiches?"
Now I had their attention so I had to continue…….and my stroy began.

      Almost a year ago now, I too had a trip planned to go see a dear friend who lives out of state. A little further drive than from Maine to Massachusetts,but the distance doesn’t matter. What mattered was my friend,my best friend who I don’t get to see that often,needed a friend by their side even if it was only for a few days visit.
      I was all set and ready to go. I had set aside the money for lodging and gas and having a little extra spending money to treat myself to a special bottle of wine that I always buy when I make this trip abroad! What I had remembered the wee early morning hours on the day I was leaving was I hadn’t really budgeted the cost of food for my trip.

     There wasn’t any reason in this WORLD to not making this trip possible, so I made peanut butter sandwiches. I lined up nearly a whole loaf of bread on the counter that morning and made it all happen. On half of each sandwich I spread the peanut butter, the other half strawberry jelly, and before you knew it I had about 10 instant meals good for anytime day or night! Into the baggies went the sandwiches and I stocked up my overnight bag with other snack foods including homemade Chex Mix which I knew would be perfect for just driving around with my best friend catching up on days since we last saw each other.

    one of the best trips of my life that turned out to be. We did drive around together and ate Chex Mix and drank coffee.We laughed a lot as we always do,and even just had a few moments of silence knowing each other was right there beside the other if one was needed. Every minute was worth the peanut butter sandwiches in which I ate for breakfast,lunch,dinner,and an occasional snack on the drive to and from…..and I would do it all over again and again with no changes to the story.

Jules and the others giggled as I told them my story,and they smiled at me like I had given them the secret to life. Maybe I had in a way because like mama said tonight when I told her the story above…..

     " not everyone can say they truly have a best friend in their life Annie,and more important,everyone should have somebody that is worth peanut my baby are blessed."

 I agree mama.

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