my date with Jack!


  when I woke up this morning, I had no idea that such a fun date would lie ahead! (lucky me,happy dance!)

  I was talking to my best friend telling him that I had a day of baking ahead for a cookie swap I will attend tomorrow.  Upon his great suggestion, I invited Jack to bake along with me! ( happy dance again for such a great idea!)

 and so it goes….

 the location: my kitchen (painted such a cheerful yellow)

 the agenda: bake 90 freakin’ cookies!

 attire: comfortable…my favorite Jets sweatshirt,sweatpants,and my "wicked" warm and comfy slippers! (oh yeah,and my apron…I tend to make a mess when it comes to baking!)

 menu: 90 coconut macaroons!!! (per special request of my niece Sara…that’s why I’m favorite Auntie!)

                      The ice swirled in the bottom of my glass, and Jack arrived!

In the background you would hear a snappy little Christmas tune, I do believe it’s hamsters singing! Jack and I got to work. Coconut and sugar,add a little flour. The secret is, to always have a secret ingredient….besides a little extra almond extract, I added……shhhhhhh it’s a secret!

 oh what a day,singing and dancing around the kitchen and the smell of toasted coconut filled the air!

Then it happened…..BANG! The lights went out! I grabbed Jack and turned to the window. Now look at that,the neighbors lights are on and so are the streetlights????? Don’t panic,call daddy.

 It only took a minute for daddy (he’s so cute) to explain to me that I blew a fuse! With the t.v. on in the other room (forgot to turn it off),all the lights on (created a bright work environment),and then to turn on the microwave to use the timer! Yes, I blew a fuse.

down 3 flights of stairs, a flip of a switch…and action! back in business….Jack by my side the whole time!

we baked,we laughed,and mission accomplished. Tucked safely in their decorative bags are 90 coconut macaroons!

 A day I shall hold in my memory bank, my date with Jack! For those of you who may wonder who Jack is???

that’s easy: Mr.Jack Daniel’s

A happy day filled with lots of happy dances…..a twirl and a bow!

whew…..I’m tired,

goodnight all

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Jack makes EVERYTHING better, doesn’t it? Sounds like a fun time.

Haha, sounds like a blast! RYN: Thanks for the encouragement 🙂